This afternoon, I had a profound thought. Granted, I had been studying at the library for five long hours, so there is the possibility that I was a little, let's say, "out of it," but still, it was a thought.
What about your priorities, Natalie? What do you really want to accomplish in life?
Now, by priorities I was more so thinking "goals in life." So, what are my goals in and life and will I make them a priority? may be a better way to put. And so I thought about it. Here I am, in PT school, learning a whole lot about a whole lot. I am surrounded by some truly brilliant people, individuals with their Ph Ds, who are doing some truly amazing research and who are contributing so much to the physical therapy field. And yes, I am so fortunate for this opportunity to learn about the newest research, to learn about the stuff that is really working and helping individuals live better and more independent lives. And this is AWESOME. Right now, we are learning about traumatic spinal cord injuries such as the that Christopher Reeves had. And it's really tough stuff to comprehend. Nevertheless, it is encouraging to think that one day, everything that Christopher Reeves' advocated for and all the research he helped get started-that it was all worth it! I use spinal cord injury as an example. But it could just as well be that back pain that you can't seem to get rid of? Or the rehabilitation of a patient who had stroke? Regardless, today, in the library, after five long hours, I was struck by just how much the future of medicine holds?!?! And so I ask myself, do I want to be a part of this future? Why do I want to be a physical therapist?
I was talking with a friend at the local coffee house last night. He was telling me that he was jealous of how much impact someone like me, a physical therapist, actually has on the lives of others. You actually get to help people, he said! And of course, I responded, well you get to help people too! You're an architect. You help build things (well actually he is an engineer, he later informed me...oops). So, he's an engineer and right now he is designing a DESTROYER. Yep, that's right. A destroyer. Like the one in Battleship. COOL!!! Apparantly, he's been on this project for 4 months and over the past 4 months, 4 people have quit because of they are unsatisfied with their job. The same thing, all day, every day. (but still, I'm thinking--a DESTROYER!) Anyway, my friend went on to say that he wishes he knew what he wanted to do with his life. He's thinking he wants a career change.
So, here I am again. Pondering why I have become a PT, when quite honestly, sometimes I'm not the most social person. And yet, in my profession, I will always be working right alongside my patients. And while I could show you the essay I wrote upon applying to grad school, I'm not so sure that it'd "fit me" anymore. I've learned a lot over this past year and half. And I can tell you, PT is SO much more than I thought it was. It is so much more than massaging and stretching tight muscles, so much more than instructing people on how to use weight machines or how to use their cane properly. No folks. there's more. And maybe because my understanding of PT (and of the human body) has been turned upside down, maybe that's why I am questioning my priorites. My ambition. My reason for pursuing physical therapy. It's because there is so much more that I can DO within this field. I could begin my own research study. Work in a pro-bono clinic so that persons who can't afford healthcare don't have to live with physical pain and deformities. What are my goals as a physical therapist? Well, I'm not sure really. I'll have to get back to you on that one. But maybenow is the time to really consider where I want to go from here. I know that there are opportunites all around me. Maybe I just need to find where I best fit into the story. The story called LIFE. Yes, as a PT, I actually do get to help people. I am thankful for that. And I am thankful that one day I will get to work right alongside of my patients. And I will get to hear their stories. And I will get to help them accomplish the goals that they have for themselves.
Thank You
As many of you already know, I had a birthday this past weekend. And first and foremost I just wanted to thank EVERYONE for showering me with birthday well wishes. I am still overwhelmed (in a good way) by your kindness in remembering me. I am usually not really big on celebrating my birthday...probably because I am uncomfortable being the center of attention. But I have to say, this was truly one of the best birthdays I've had. No, I didn't have a big party with lots of noise and excitement. Quite frankly, that's just not me. No, instead I celebrated my birthday in the best possible: by spending quality time with my mom, dad and sister. [Now I'm going to brag about my amazing family!]
Mom came bearing gifts in a big purple bag, looking stylish, slim and hip. Since my sister moved into her own apartment a few weeks ago, mom has been busy playing home decorator for both Nicole and I. And I reminded that a mom's job is NEVER over...not even when both of her daughters are off on there own. We/I still need mom more than ever. And I am thankful because she is ALWAYS here for me. And even more, her love and whole heart is in everything that she does. I am so thankful.
And dad, looking handsome as ever (in a shirt that mom bought for him), carried in his tool kit and wanted to get right to work...I needed his help hanging pictures, arranging furniture and balancing my check book. And it was definitely DAD TO THE RESCUE....I am so so thankful for his patience and constant love. I am a daddy's girl after all.
And my older and much wiser sister brought the cake: Reeses Peanut Butter Pie. Do I need to say anymore??? I love Reeses and I love my sister. She is the reason why I can see the positive in a bad situation. She is the reason why I am who I am...because growing up, all I had to do was look to her and follow her lead knowing that she would lead along the right and best path. And even though we're very different people today, we still share that sisterly bond that is so special.
Sharing the day with these three persons plus all the calls and messages (and songs) wishing me a happy birthday were the best birthday presents I could have asked for. I am so thankful for the love of my family and friends. I hope and pray that they know just how much I love them in return.
Thanks again for making my day so special!
Mom came bearing gifts in a big purple bag, looking stylish, slim and hip. Since my sister moved into her own apartment a few weeks ago, mom has been busy playing home decorator for both Nicole and I. And I reminded that a mom's job is NEVER over...not even when both of her daughters are off on there own. We/I still need mom more than ever. And I am thankful because she is ALWAYS here for me. And even more, her love and whole heart is in everything that she does. I am so thankful.
And dad, looking handsome as ever (in a shirt that mom bought for him), carried in his tool kit and wanted to get right to work...I needed his help hanging pictures, arranging furniture and balancing my check book. And it was definitely DAD TO THE RESCUE....I am so so thankful for his patience and constant love. I am a daddy's girl after all.
And my older and much wiser sister brought the cake: Reeses Peanut Butter Pie. Do I need to say anymore??? I love Reeses and I love my sister. She is the reason why I can see the positive in a bad situation. She is the reason why I am who I am...because growing up, all I had to do was look to her and follow her lead knowing that she would lead along the right and best path. And even though we're very different people today, we still share that sisterly bond that is so special.
Sharing the day with these three persons plus all the calls and messages (and songs) wishing me a happy birthday were the best birthday presents I could have asked for. I am so thankful for the love of my family and friends. I hope and pray that they know just how much I love them in return.
Thanks again for making my day so special!
Gifts from the weekend.
23. Sunday afternoons. Spending the day with my mom, my sister, John and Nanny. Cooking dinner for mom and Nanny (first ever)... it was a lot of pressure being that they're both EXCELLENT cooks. Eating. Laughing. Eating some more.
24. Kids. They're even cute when they drop a jar of tomato sauce on the floor. Yep, still cute.
25. Spirits lifted. Realizing that just being amongst others is therapeutic in taking the focus off myself and putting it in a bigger context.
26. Saturdays= cooking. Rice balls, bread, pancakes, hummus...homemade makes for one messy kitchen!
27. Music. Melodies and Harmonies.
28. Approaching birthdays. My favorite part is talking to friends far and near on the phone.
29. Sunshine after days of rain. Warmth. Sunglasses.
30. Prayers. More powerful than anything else. ANYTHING.
24. Kids. They're even cute when they drop a jar of tomato sauce on the floor. Yep, still cute.
25. Spirits lifted. Realizing that just being amongst others is therapeutic in taking the focus off myself and putting it in a bigger context.
26. Saturdays= cooking. Rice balls, bread, pancakes, hummus...homemade makes for one messy kitchen!
27. Music. Melodies and Harmonies.
28. Approaching birthdays. My favorite part is talking to friends far and near on the phone.
29. Sunshine after days of rain. Warmth. Sunglasses.
30. Prayers. More powerful than anything else. ANYTHING.
Dear reader
Dear Reader,
If you received an email with the post, "love story" I want to apologize. I accidently pressed the "publish post" button without intention to. I wasn't really finished writing the post, and actually I'm a little embarrassed for writing as personally as I did. Nonetheless, I guess you got a quick unsensored look into the going ons of my brain. Again, I apologize and thanks for reading!
If you received an email with the post, "love story" I want to apologize. I accidently pressed the "publish post" button without intention to. I wasn't really finished writing the post, and actually I'm a little embarrassed for writing as personally as I did. Nonetheless, I guess you got a quick unsensored look into the going ons of my brain. Again, I apologize and thanks for reading!
Virginia is for lovers.

It was refreshing to sit with Kate on her awesome new screened-in-porch and to hear Charlie play his Marimba (that big wooden instrument thing!). I am so thankful for Kate's patience and willingness to listen with all her heart. I do miss her and the fun we used to have together!
And I am thankful for my church family in Harrisonburg. I am thankful for opportunities like these to worship and sing and exchange hugs with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thankful that when I am with these brothes and sisters, I feel God's presence ever the more.
Yes, I am thankful for a sweet sweet weekend away. I wish could have stopped the clocks rather than turned them back. But I guess instead, I will look back into the past and remember the good times spent in Harrisonburg and as a student at JMU. Time must go on. I'm just thankful for these chances to revisit the past while living in the present.
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