I don’t know about you but personally, I am pretty uncomfortable with the unknown. I’m thinking about those times when you or a loved one is ill, but the doctors have no definitive diagnosis. Yet. That period of waiting is very very uncomfortable. My mom, like most moms couldn’t fall asleep until her daughters were home safe at nighttime. Not until she heard the garage door open could be sleep deeply and comfortably. Sometimes, I have a fear of the unknown because I am afraid of change. Sometimes, change can be a really good thing. A necessary thing. Nevertheless, change is uncomfortable before it become comfortable.
Can there be comfort in the unknown then? Comfort in not knowing something? Today I was talking with a friend about life and about the future. Because we are both recent college graduate (recent being 2 or 3 years), we were sharing about the many different places we’ve lived since moving away from home. And we came to the realization that over the past 6ish years, change has been one the consistent theme in our lives. And while it seems contradictory, we have found comfort in the facts that are futures are still unknown. Personally, I have another year of school which is non-negotiable, but after that, who knows where I’ve be living, what job I’ll have, or where life will take me? And as weird as it sounds, I am comfortable with that. I am more comfortable with the unknown than I would be if I knew exactly what the next 5 years looked like. Maybe it’s because there are so many opportunities available? Maybe, I’m just comfortable because it’s not time yet to make those hard decisions about where, when and how? Or maybe, there something else? Maybe my comfort comes from something within me saying that everything will turn out just as it’s supposed to. That God will and is presently taking care of my future. And if He’s in control, why be afraid? Sometimes, it’s just not that easy to let go and give over control. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, does it?
I read this quote not too long ago on Of First Importance:
“Everything is necessary that he sends. Nothing can be necessary that he withholds.”
- John Newton
Can there be comfort in the unknown? I believe that there can me because although many things are unknown to me, my God knows ALL things. And that is something that I am very comfortable with.
What I loved about today...

I was extra blessed this Valentine's Day to have not just one Valentine, but seven Valentines (my mom and dad, my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins and my newly engaged friend). And although I cannot fully explain how much I LOVED spending this day with this day with them, I'm going to try anyways. Here are the things I loved about today:
I loved...
1. the way my dad and my uncle just took charge, loading and unloading furniture for my apartment, then taxiing Becky and I around tow, helping to rearrange the living room furniture, and running the cable up and around and behind and in front of my doors and closets. As Becky put it: they are both "quality men" and I am so thankful for their patience, kind hearts and loving spirits.

2. the way my mom and aunt never run out of things to talk about. Never. I love that they are sisters and friends at the same time. I love that they ask each other for advice and guidance. And then they apply the advice. I love that it is so natural for them to love others. To love me. To love my friends. Did I mention that they LOVE to talk. But more so, they love to love others. They are mothers through and through. I hope one day I will be a mother just like them.
3. the way my cousins so easily go with the flow. How they can entertain themselves while coming in and out of the present conversation. I love that they still greet me with a hug and kiss. They always bring a smile to my face. (We missed you Greg.)

4. the fact that Becky and I spent pretty much the whole day together (almost 12 hours). i love that we are still friends. College friends tend to come and go; they tend to come in and out of your life. But I love that Becky lives just 10 minutes away. That I can call her up and ask her if she wants to workout at the gym. That we can laugh and share stories. That I know about her life and she knows about mine. Secretly, I love that I was the first person to know that she and Caleb GOT ENGAGED. And that I was able to eat breakfast with Caleb before he left for Iraq.

I hope you too had a day full of love. Thankfully, my day was full of love AND family. Throughout my entire life, the two (love and family) have been one and the same. I couldn't have asked for more perfect Valentines.
Is there anything more beautiful?

God! sing, ye meadow-streams, with gladsome voice!
Ye pine-groves, with your soft and soul-like sounds!
And they too have a voice, you piles of snow,
And in their perilous fall shall thunder, God!
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
Hymn before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouni
Ye pine-groves, with your soft and soul-like sounds!
And they too have a voice, you piles of snow,
And in their perilous fall shall thunder, God!
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
Hymn before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouni
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