
This one's for you Nicole!

Ok, so HUGE news:

My older sister (my only sister), Nicole, is engaged. Engaged to none other than John, a fun, funny, energetic, smart and cool guy, and I'm so thankful that's he's going to be my future brother-in-law for two reasons. One, because I've always wanted a brother (Nicole was a good play-mate growing up, but she never wanted to play basketball with me- hence why I always wanted a brother- I'm kidding and serious at the same time. Two, because like John's roommate said the other day: some people can be grouped together by personality, but John, well, he's one-of-a-kind. And, to be quite honest, I am sure glad that he's one-of-a-kind. But I wouldn't want my sister to marrying any "average joe." She deserves a one-of-a-kind kind of guy. And that's why I'm so thankful that their engaged. They truly are perfect for each other. And what's perfect for Nicole, is perfect for me because she's my sister and my best friend (and I get to be her Maid of Honor...how cool is that??)

Regardless of whether or not we saw eye to eye about basketball, I have always looked up to Nicole. She has always been my #1 supporter and #1 encourager- and since before I can remember, I have aspired to be just like her. The way she always put others before herself. Her brains. Her beauty- inside and out. Her faith. I admire all these qualities and more. And most of all, if I never had Nicole as an example in my life , I'm really not sure what kind of person I'd be today. Everything I am, I am becuase of Nicole. She taught me how to be a leader. But also to have a servant spirit. She taught me how to work hard in school. And to work hard for the things that matter the most. She taught me how to be optimistic. And goodness knows, I needed to learn that! And she taught me that inner beauty is much more important than outer beauty. And sometimes, you are blessed with both...

So, this one's for you Nicole! I love you. I am so excited for you. And I can't wait to stand beside you on your wedding day. As your maid of honor and as your sister. Because you have always stood right beside me. And I wouldn't be who I am today, without you.

I love you both, John and Nicole. A HUGE congratulations!


I love my life.

Do ever think sun showers are funny? If not funny, at least fun. I don't what it is about them, but they make me smile.

My friend Kate used to say that there is a difference between liking something and loving it? For example, you might not like your younger brother or sister when they pull your hair and pinch your arm, but when it comes down to it, you still love them- because they're family. Can it work the same way with life in general? Can I not like my life sometimes, but still love it? I agree with my friend Kelly who always says: I love my life.

A couple mornings this week, I have not liked my life. I have woken up with pain, that I had thought had resolved itself a while back. I didn't like having to wake up, pop Advil, and then continue to suffer until the Advil started to work. The pain eventually subsided and I went about my day.

I think it was Wednesday, when the winds were really strong that forgot about wearing your favorite hat or using your sun umbrella. I was walking to school as I do everyone morning and I thought to myself- I love my life.

I love that I live somewhere where the season's change, the leaves on the trees starting to transform.

I love that I am still a student. and therefore can enjoy things only students can enjoy: mid-afternoon naps, mid-morning naps, mid-evening naps.

I love that I have an amazing family. Who still want to visit me, even if only for a few hours.

I love that I get to play scrabble, almost everyday. Even if I lose, almost everyday. It keeps my mind sharp!

I love that I can come home from school and skype mom, watching her cook dinner on the other end, and hearing about how she is such a social butterfly.

I love that I work at Trader Joe's- stocking shelves, searching the stock room for a customer's favorite product only to tell them we ran out, packing groceries, blowing up balloons for the kids in the store. Yea, it's a good job.

Finally, I love my life, because it's life. Real. Sometimes messy. Sometimes frustrating. But it's still life. And it teaches me something new everyday. Like the saying goes, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you're gonna get."