Page CXVI started a project to transform old hymns in new-age ones. Here's a preview of their second album "Hymns II"
Jury Duty
So, it's been a while since my last posting. In truth, I've just been lazy. Or maybe I've been busy (though, not THAT busy). Since the last time I wrote, I have received my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, I have studied and by the grace of God, passed the NJ boards for PT, and I have waited and waited for my license to be processed. Once my license was finally approved, I finally started my first, real, full-time, PAID job as a PT so that I could treat REAL patients and I could receive my first, real, paycheck. Four weeks later, I feel like an ol' pro! :) HA HA, just kidding. No, most days I just take it hour by hour, patient by patient. It's all I can do right now to keep from being overwhelmed. Most days I think to myself that I have so much to learn. I guess I'll take that one day at a time too.
Today though, I have the day off of work...for jury duty! So far, I have enjoyed the time to just type away on my computer and drink coffee without having to worry about my patients falling or passing out on me. It's given me the chance to blog and to g-chat, two things that i haven't done in awhile. And of course, I'm happy because I'm listening to country music on Pandora. Oh, Pandora, how I love thee. And country music...seriously, I could be having the worst day and all I need to do is put on some country music, say Taylor Swift or Sugarland or Tim McGraw and my mood automatically gets better. Oh, the power of country music...if I only I could find me a nice, eligible cowboy :)
So, the thing about me blogging is this: I get all excited and inspired to start writing on my blog, but then I start doing other things on the computer and I lose my concentration and my focus. And, well, what started out as inspiration, turns into, well, fluff. Anyways, if I am to write seriously, I need to figure out a way to get past this roadblock. For now, I leave you with this question:
If you were stuck in jury duty all morning/day, what one thing would you do to pass the time? Would you read a book? Email a friend you haven't talked to in a while? Take a nap?...yes, there are perks to jury duty :)
Today though, I have the day off of work...for jury duty! So far, I have enjoyed the time to just type away on my computer and drink coffee without having to worry about my patients falling or passing out on me. It's given me the chance to blog and to g-chat, two things that i haven't done in awhile. And of course, I'm happy because I'm listening to country music on Pandora. Oh, Pandora, how I love thee. And country music...seriously, I could be having the worst day and all I need to do is put on some country music, say Taylor Swift or Sugarland or Tim McGraw and my mood automatically gets better. Oh, the power of country music...if I only I could find me a nice, eligible cowboy :)
So, the thing about me blogging is this: I get all excited and inspired to start writing on my blog, but then I start doing other things on the computer and I lose my concentration and my focus. And, well, what started out as inspiration, turns into, well, fluff. Anyways, if I am to write seriously, I need to figure out a way to get past this roadblock. For now, I leave you with this question:
If you were stuck in jury duty all morning/day, what one thing would you do to pass the time? Would you read a book? Email a friend you haven't talked to in a while? Take a nap?...yes, there are perks to jury duty :)
What to do when you lose power?
March 13, 2010
Around 4:30 this afternoon, I unfortunately lost power in my apartment: that was bummer #1. Bummer #2: I was in the middle of a game of scrabble with mom (via Facebook) and I believe I was winning… who can remember though, right? Anyway, the game was put on hold, temporarily….or so I thought.
It is currently 8:51PM and I am STILL without power. You might think, oh, this must be bummer #3. Well, actually, no. I’ve been really quite enjoying myself.
What can one possibly do by themselves, by the light of only one flashlight, without cable, without internet, without scrabble! (Disclaimer: This post is by no means meant to offend those who choose to live a simpler life. In many ways, I envy you.) Well, read, for one thing. And well, I thought about doing this, but then I had a few other brilliant ideas… Shall I share?
1. First, when darkness finally came, I did what most people would do without power…I cleaned my bathroom! The best part: I couldn’t even tell if I missed a spot; all I knew was that it smelt clean! Works for me! (Don't worry Mom, I will clean again!)

2. Next, I did some tidying/organizing. While going through my kitchen, I came upon something quite exciting: an unopened advent calendar (from 2008!!) I was craving chocolate!!! However, as you may have guessed, when I opened door #1, the chocolate was a pale brown, like old, ok really old, Halloween candy. I thought it best to pass this opportunity by. Maybe I didn’t need chocolate that desperately.

3. Then, I decided to sit down in my recliner for a while. And I decided to ponder life and all of it’s questions. Ah, how peaceful….Okay okay, I didn’t actually think that hard (refer to #4).

4. Most beverages are best chilled. Exception: red wine! I decided to pour myself a glass. Why not, right?

5. What was next? Oh yea, throughout this time, my iPod and phone were my saving graces. Mom and I texted about silly things (refer to #2). And I jammed with my latest downloads. One such selection: “Today was a fairytale” by Taylor Swift. Another: “Imma Be” by the Black Eyed Peas. (refer #6)

6. This was probably about the time that I started to dance! Sometimes, you should know, that I’m a little self-conscious about my dancing abilities. However, tonight, since it was mostly dark, I had no problem “Raising the Roof!”

7. The of course, there was the classic hour (or minute) of SHADOW PUPPETS. (This picture was actually really tough to get the right angle!)

8. And then finally. With my flashlight as my nightlight, I settled down for a nice slumber. Ahhhh. Now doesn’t that look peaceful!?! (I wonder what I was dreaming about?)

Did I mention that I quite enjoyed myself tonight?
Another brilliant idea that I had was to EAT ICE CREAM (Flavor: Tagalong, aka, chocolate/peanut butter like the Girl Scout Cookie)! And being without power, if I took the container out of the freezer, I would be forced to finish the rest of the container, so not to waste any! Unfortunately, I then remembered that I have trouble with milk products (sometimes) So, although this could have been my best idea yet ( I know mom would agree), I decided against this one. Oh well, I think I had enough fun for one night!
I dedicate this post to my flashlight! I couldn't have made it without you!

UPDATE (March 14): Power came back on around 2:20 today. And believe it or not, at least half the food in my freezer/fridge was salvageable. I can make light of one day without power, but I am so thankful that it was only a day!
Around 4:30 this afternoon, I unfortunately lost power in my apartment: that was bummer #1. Bummer #2: I was in the middle of a game of scrabble with mom (via Facebook) and I believe I was winning… who can remember though, right? Anyway, the game was put on hold, temporarily….or so I thought.
It is currently 8:51PM and I am STILL without power. You might think, oh, this must be bummer #3. Well, actually, no. I’ve been really quite enjoying myself.
What can one possibly do by themselves, by the light of only one flashlight, without cable, without internet, without scrabble! (Disclaimer: This post is by no means meant to offend those who choose to live a simpler life. In many ways, I envy you.) Well, read, for one thing. And well, I thought about doing this, but then I had a few other brilliant ideas… Shall I share?
1. First, when darkness finally came, I did what most people would do without power…I cleaned my bathroom! The best part: I couldn’t even tell if I missed a spot; all I knew was that it smelt clean! Works for me! (Don't worry Mom, I will clean again!)
2. Next, I did some tidying/organizing. While going through my kitchen, I came upon something quite exciting: an unopened advent calendar (from 2008!!) I was craving chocolate!!! However, as you may have guessed, when I opened door #1, the chocolate was a pale brown, like old, ok really old, Halloween candy. I thought it best to pass this opportunity by. Maybe I didn’t need chocolate that desperately.
3. Then, I decided to sit down in my recliner for a while. And I decided to ponder life and all of it’s questions. Ah, how peaceful….Okay okay, I didn’t actually think that hard (refer to #4).
4. Most beverages are best chilled. Exception: red wine! I decided to pour myself a glass. Why not, right?
5. What was next? Oh yea, throughout this time, my iPod and phone were my saving graces. Mom and I texted about silly things (refer to #2). And I jammed with my latest downloads. One such selection: “Today was a fairytale” by Taylor Swift. Another: “Imma Be” by the Black Eyed Peas. (refer #6)
6. This was probably about the time that I started to dance! Sometimes, you should know, that I’m a little self-conscious about my dancing abilities. However, tonight, since it was mostly dark, I had no problem “Raising the Roof!”
7. The of course, there was the classic hour (or minute) of SHADOW PUPPETS. (This picture was actually really tough to get the right angle!)
8. And then finally. With my flashlight as my nightlight, I settled down for a nice slumber. Ahhhh. Now doesn’t that look peaceful!?! (I wonder what I was dreaming about?)
Did I mention that I quite enjoyed myself tonight?
Another brilliant idea that I had was to EAT ICE CREAM (Flavor: Tagalong, aka, chocolate/peanut butter like the Girl Scout Cookie)! And being without power, if I took the container out of the freezer, I would be forced to finish the rest of the container, so not to waste any! Unfortunately, I then remembered that I have trouble with milk products (sometimes) So, although this could have been my best idea yet ( I know mom would agree), I decided against this one. Oh well, I think I had enough fun for one night!
I dedicate this post to my flashlight! I couldn't have made it without you!
UPDATE (March 14): Power came back on around 2:20 today. And believe it or not, at least half the food in my freezer/fridge was salvageable. I can make light of one day without power, but I am so thankful that it was only a day!
And the Best Disc-Golf Throw of the Game Goes to........
This weekend I played Disc Golf in a park in South Charleston, WV with my good friend Shelly. It was my first time ever playing disc golf, which is funny because I love frisbee so much. Anyways, I loved everything about it....especially the company! Best throw of the game (and the one I managed to get on video) goes to Shelly! I can't wait to play again with spring coming!
This girl is getting married in 144 days!
What can I say, she loves her cleaning products! (I have to admit, this WAS cool though)
Graduation Fun
---Proof that doctors know how to have fun too (Plus, I loved those huge sleeves!)
Graduation Fun from natalie cavadini on Vimeo.
Are you stuck?
Top 10 Things of 2009
My top 10 memories of 2009, in semi-chronological order...
1. Living in London for 3 whole months! A great roommate (thanks for all the fun Leslie). A great city. A great clinical at Queen Mary's Hospital. Great food (don't let other people tell you London has boring's not true!) London. Greenwich. Wimbledon (center court!). Even Paris. Now I know firsthand why it's called Great Britain :)

2. Mom, Dad, Nicole and John came to visit me in London. What a fun family vacation! Playing tour guide was tough, but all in all, a great time by all. Favorite Memory (if I had to pick just one): The Jazz and Beer festival in Greenwich, England.

3. Playing ultimate frisbee in Green Park (in London) every Sunday. Met some great people (both British and American). I was in such good shape come September (can't say the same about January!?!) I remember being soooo tired \during my last game because Jim and Jonathan wouldn't let me sub in or out! Blimey. What fun it was though.
4. Labor Day weekend down the Jersey Shore. Boating, beaching, fishing, kayaking, eating, laughing and more- all with my family and the Davis Family. I still the two families finally met.
5. Natalie (a friend, not me) got married in Virginia Beach. As they pulled into the reception on a big yacht, my mouth dropped. Now that's an entrance! Natalie looked so beautiful and so happy!

6. Celebrating Angie's 2-years cancer-free anniversary! And look, Angie's hair is getting soooo long..don't we look like sister's now?? Love you Angie!
7. Scrabble! Playing Facebook Scrabble with Angie, Mom, Dad and/or Hannah. I spent countless hours last year staring at a Scrabble board trying to score big! And I did
because I had so much fun (even if I did lose to Angie 20 out of 21 times).

8. Nicole got Engaged! My big sister. Engaged. To a great guy. A better than great guy. John! Welcome (almost) to the family John! Can't wait for the Big Day!

9. Taking my last school exam EVER. I've been a student for 20+ years--it was about time! Physical Therapy License Exam: bring it on!
10. Becky got married! I was honored to be a reader. Becky looked beautiful and had the biggest smile on her face ALL NIGHT! Caleb looked quite handsome too. What a magical and beautiful night!
Yes. What a Memorable Year 2009 was. Two Thousand Ten: Hear we come!
1. Living in London for 3 whole months! A great roommate (thanks for all the fun Leslie). A great city. A great clinical at Queen Mary's Hospital. Great food (don't let other people tell you London has boring's not true!) London. Greenwich. Wimbledon (center court!). Even Paris. Now I know firsthand why it's called Great Britain :)
2. Mom, Dad, Nicole and John came to visit me in London. What a fun family vacation! Playing tour guide was tough, but all in all, a great time by all. Favorite Memory (if I had to pick just one): The Jazz and Beer festival in Greenwich, England.
3. Playing ultimate frisbee in Green Park (in London) every Sunday. Met some great people (both British and American). I was in such good shape come September (can't say the same about January!?!) I remember being soooo tired \during my last game because Jim and Jonathan wouldn't let me sub in or out! Blimey. What fun it was though.

4. Labor Day weekend down the Jersey Shore. Boating, beaching, fishing, kayaking, eating, laughing and more- all with my family and the Davis Family. I still the two families finally met.

5. Natalie (a friend, not me) got married in Virginia Beach. As they pulled into the reception on a big yacht, my mouth dropped. Now that's an entrance! Natalie looked so beautiful and so happy!
6. Celebrating Angie's 2-years cancer-free anniversary! And look, Angie's hair is getting soooo long..don't we look like sister's now?? Love you Angie!

7. Scrabble! Playing Facebook Scrabble with Angie, Mom, Dad and/or Hannah. I spent countless hours last year staring at a Scrabble board trying to score big! And I did
because I had so much fun (even if I did lose to Angie 20 out of 21 times).
8. Nicole got Engaged! My big sister. Engaged. To a great guy. A better than great guy. John! Welcome (almost) to the family John! Can't wait for the Big Day!

9. Taking my last school exam EVER. I've been a student for 20+ years--it was about time! Physical Therapy License Exam: bring it on!
10. Becky got married! I was honored to be a reader. Becky looked beautiful and had the biggest smile on her face ALL NIGHT! Caleb looked quite handsome too. What a magical and beautiful night!

Yes. What a Memorable Year 2009 was. Two Thousand Ten: Hear we come!
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