1. Living in London for 3 whole months! A great roommate (thanks for all the fun Leslie). A great city. A great clinical at Queen Mary's Hospital. Great food (don't let other people tell you London has boring food...it's not true!) London. Greenwich. Wimbledon (center court!). Even Paris. Now I know firsthand why it's called Great Britain :)
2. Mom, Dad, Nicole and John came to visit me in London. What a fun family vacation! Playing tour guide was tough, but all in all, a great time by all. Favorite Memory (if I had to pick just one): The Jazz and Beer festival in Greenwich, England.
3. Playing ultimate frisbee in Green Park (in London) every Sunday. Met some great people (both British and American). I was in such good shape come September (can't say the same about January!?!) I remember being soooo tired \during my last game because Jim and Jonathan wouldn't let me sub in or out! Blimey. What fun it was though.

4. Labor Day weekend down the Jersey Shore. Boating, beaching, fishing, kayaking, eating, laughing and more- all with my family and the Davis Family. I still the two families finally met.

5. Natalie (a friend, not me) got married in Virginia Beach. As they pulled into the reception on a big yacht, my mouth dropped. Now that's an entrance! Natalie looked so beautiful and so happy!
6. Celebrating Angie's 2-years cancer-free anniversary! And look, Angie's hair is getting soooo long..don't we look like sister's now?? Love you Angie!

7. Scrabble! Playing Facebook Scrabble with Angie, Mom, Dad and/or Hannah. I spent countless hours last year staring at a Scrabble board trying to score big! And I did
because I had so much fun (even if I did lose to Angie 20 out of 21 times).
8. Nicole got Engaged! My big sister. Engaged. To a great guy. A better than great guy. John! Welcome (almost) to the family John! Can't wait for the Big Day!

9. Taking my last school exam EVER. I've been a student for 20+ years--it was about time! Physical Therapy License Exam: bring it on!
10. Becky got married! I was honored to be a reader. Becky looked beautiful and had the biggest smile on her face ALL NIGHT! Caleb looked quite handsome too. What a magical and beautiful night!

Yes. What a Memorable Year 2009 was. Two Thousand Ten: Hear we come!