So, it's been a while since my last posting. In truth, I've just been lazy. Or maybe I've been busy (though, not THAT busy). Since the last time I wrote, I have received my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, I have studied and by the grace of God, passed the NJ boards for PT, and I have waited and waited for my license to be processed. Once my license was finally approved, I finally started my first, real, full-time, PAID job as a PT so that I could treat REAL patients and I could receive my first, real, paycheck. Four weeks later, I feel like an ol' pro! :) HA HA, just kidding. No, most days I just take it hour by hour, patient by patient. It's all I can do right now to keep from being overwhelmed. Most days I think to myself that I have so much to learn. I guess I'll take that one day at a time too.
Today though, I have the day off of work...for jury duty! So far, I have enjoyed the time to just type away on my computer and drink coffee without having to worry about my patients falling or passing out on me. It's given me the chance to blog and to g-chat, two things that i haven't done in awhile. And of course, I'm happy because I'm listening to country music on Pandora. Oh, Pandora, how I love thee. And country music...seriously, I could be having the worst day and all I need to do is put on some country music, say Taylor Swift or Sugarland or Tim McGraw and my mood automatically gets better. Oh, the power of country music...if I only I could find me a nice, eligible cowboy :)
So, the thing about me blogging is this: I get all excited and inspired to start writing on my blog, but then I start doing other things on the computer and I lose my concentration and my focus. And, well, what started out as inspiration, turns into, well, fluff. Anyways, if I am to write seriously, I need to figure out a way to get past this roadblock. For now, I leave you with this question:
If you were stuck in jury duty all morning/day, what one thing would you do to pass the time? Would you read a book? Email a friend you haven't talked to in a while? Take a nap?...yes, there are perks to jury duty :)