
My Night

My plan for tonight was to 1) find a library 2)grab quick dinner 3) go for a run around 9.

What did I actually do?
1) Found a library but it was closed.
2) Took the bus downtown and sat next to a lady who told me I smiled too much and that there was nothing to smile about.
3) Bought pizza- buy one get one free...sounds like i'm set for dinner tomorrow.
4) Sat next to a guy from Australia who just came from Amsterdam. Started to talk...he was also a physio...PT.
5) found a internet cafe.
6) listened to a radio station from LBI, NJ. Love the internet!
7) Skyped, chatted and laughed with good friends and mom!


Kelly Alberts said...

that poor non-smiling lady. i feel terrible for her :(

Angie said...

Sounds like your night turned out better than planned. ;) I feel bad for the non-smiler, too. Good to chat w/ you today!