
what is natalie's nitch?

I have to say something. I think that my blog is very superficial and quite honestly, boring. I don't even enjoy reading what I write so how can I expect my audience, whoever you are, to enjoy it. I want to write about things that actually matter. I'm like the fashion editor of the magazine who hates that she is stuck writing about pointless things when she would love to be writing about politics and world affairs and things that actually matter. The thing is,however, I don't quite know what my nitch is. As a full-time grad student, I spend most of my time gaining knowledge about physical therapy and while I'm learning so much, it's no necessarily stuff I can share yet. What I mean is, that while I would LOVE to provide health and exercise tips about what I'm learning in school, I don't think I'm qualified for this (not yet at least). I don't want to give out wrong information and/or just part of the story. That's the thing. I'm a learning a little about this, a little about that and am until I can put all the pieces of the puzzle together, I'm going to hold out on the whole "medical blog" thing. So, maybe one day I can blog about the best exercises to do if you want to become a pro bodybuilder or how toknow if you might have a torn ACL.... check back in a couple years if you're looking for answers to either of these questions.

So, what is my nitch?" I ask myself. I feel like I am missing a overall big theme for my blog. My only idea presently is to share about the different experiences I am undergoing as a student, specifically a physical therapy student. At times, I migh thave to be pretty vague, but I would love to share with you all the cool things and the uniqueexperiences I have undergone. Some possible topics: what are common misconceptions of the elderly population (did you do know that only 4% of the elderly population lives in nursing homes?) or what it feels like to spend a whole afternoon in a wheelchair because you can'tcontrol of your entire lower extremity. Yea, maybe I can start here. I am so blessed to be receiving a great education and training for my future as a physical therapist and as a more conscious and aware human being.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hi Sis- You will find your nitch, and even if you don't feel satisfied right now, if you are enjoying writing this blog, that is all that matters. (By the way, when I checked your profile, I was impressed- 72 Views! Wow, your popular!) You must be doing something right and your blog is interesting to attract that many readers, including myself! Keep on writing and let your keyboard (or your thoughts) be your guide!