The 3 C's
Yes, life is good. It is currently 6:08 p.m. on Thursday. After a short and sweet day in the lab, I returned home with almost NOTHING to do!?! Could this be possible? Of course, I could have studied a bit...but let's not ruin the moment. So, I came home. Watched "The Air I Breathe" (pretty interesting movie). I made an early dinner. Took a Shower. And all this before 6:00!! Amazing!
So, now it's 6:09 p.m. And I am listening to Shane and Shane on the radio (great music), enjoying a delicious cup of coffee and indulging in an extra chocolaty piece of chocolate cake! Yes, life doesn't get any better than this. Coffee is my biggest, most favorite, comfort food! Chocolate is a close second.
People like to say "all good things eventually come to an end." In response to this I reply, "we all need to learn what it means to live in the moment." I am living in the moment!! Me and my 3C's.
Tough Questions...
1- What makes you tick? What "things", if they were taken away, you would be totally lost and broken without? what are thing "things" that make you feel most alive? Like a young horse who just broke out the gates at the Kentucky Derby, what things really bring to you life?
2- If I talked to your close friends, who would they say you were? what would they say about you?
3- What patterns or themes do you see in your life? big picture. Imagine you're at a five-star hotel. You get off the elevator on the 5th floor and you can choose any room on that floor to stay in. You first peer into each room, moving up and down the hallway. After seeing each room, you pick your room. Now imagine that each room symbolizes one theme and/or event in your life. Past or Present. Which room is most scare you? which room brings the most joy? which room would you like to spend more time exploring and pondering over?
4- When do you feel most connected to God? when do you feel most separated from Him?
Take a deep breath..I know that's a lot to swallow at once. Which [one] question most resonated with you? Which [one] question was easiest for you to answer? hardest?
Join me and take some time to really think, journal, and/or reflect upon the question(s) and your answers to them. Your answers don't need to poetic. They don't have to perfect "speech-worthy" answers. Just be real. Be honest with yourself. With tough questions like these, honesty is truly the best policy.
New Friends
When I look at my childhood friendships and the new friendships I've formed since, there's not just One definite moment or instant that started each friendship. That's not how it usually works, I don't think. More realistically, making new friends is a process. And a process that sometimes you control but sometimes you don't. I haven't figure out a magic formula nor do I intend to write a how-to manual which I could entitle "How to make new friends," but rather I do believe that making new friends is a process and a journey. and a journey that is WORTHWHILE! You usually don't become friends with someone overnight. Intentionality. Open-mindedness. Sincerity. Trustworthiness. Love. Compassion. Love. To me, this is a formula (notice, I didn't say "the" formula) to a true friendship. I LONG to be in relationship with people who en vibe these characteristics. I NEED to know that the people that I surround myself with are sincere and open and committed. This may all sound pretty selfish but I don't mean it to sound like such. It's just that I consider "making friends" to be a very serious "process." I take it so seriously for two reasons. First, because I can't do it by myself. I would not be ME, if I was only "me." I would not Natalie, if there were no Nicole, Danielle, Emilie, Emily, etc.
Second, I take it so seriously because I know that in any relationship, there is a certain amount of risk involved. It's a two-way street. Maybe the other person isn't willing to meet you half-way. This inevitability happens. Nonetheless, if I am going to take that risk and open myself up, I need to know that I can trust and confide in the other person. I know that it's unreasonable to think that every friendship that I enter into, that it will last forever and ever. This is just not so. But this doesn't mean that we should not form relationships. I believe that we were created to be relational beings. It was that way ever since the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve.
So...this is what I think. I realize my thoughts have been here, there and everywhere. Its just how my brain is working these days. Please excuse me. But, to sum it all up, this is as much a reminder to me as it is to you that we should all expect to be humbled. And to be humbled daily. We were created to be relational beings, and therefore, as long as the human race exists (sorry, I'm not trying to get all fatalistic on you), we, as a people, will interact and ultimately form relationships with those people whom we can most trust and most be ourselves around. So, we open ourselves up and enroll in New Friends 101. And without fail, we will learn new things about ourselves and about the people in our class. And it will be a process. There will be things that we like and things that we don't like that we learn about ourselves and others. But it will be worthwhile class ! IfI am not willing to be open and real with the others who are also in enrolled in the same class, I will not grow and I will have missed out on an AWESOME opportunity. I NEED to be open. I NEED to practice loving others and being intentional with my relationships. I HOPE that I will NEVER stop making new friends. I hope the same for you.
Down at the Country Fair!
I miss living in Virginia a lot. I miss riding my bike to the Farmer's Market. Hiking and/or Driving through the Shenandoah National Park and the country roads. I miss both the small town atmosphere as well as the "college town" environment. I miss the church I attended. Although I never became a member of the church, I still consider it and the friends I made their "my church family." Yes, VA was very good to me.
But now I'm living outside of Philadelphia. Once again, I feel like I'm living in two environments. I'm living in the suburbs (once again) of Philly. And simliar to living in the suburbs of NYC, I still have yet to take full advantage of the city and all it has to offer. (Note to self: work on this.) But while I living on the outskirts of the city, I also live on the outskirts of the country. Before last night, I didn't really KNOW what kind of land was North and west of me. So last night, a few of my classmates and I went down to the "Country Fair." It was a lot of fun. My first Country Fair.
Homemade Strawberry Pie. Barbecue Chicken with Coleslaw and a Buttered Roll. It was the kind of the thing where everyone knew everyone. There was a Silent Auction. And a Quilt Auction. Really Nice Quilts. It was just your good old fashion Country Fair. I think I liked it. Yes, I know I enjoyed it. I liked watching neighbors eat barbeque chicken together catching up with each other's lives. I watched teenage girls flirting with teenage boys. And I ate pie. The pie was AMAZING. There was an assembly line of 4 woman in the cafeteria making the pies fresh! Crust. Fresh Strawberries. Fresh Strawberry Jam/Sauce. Whip Cream and there you go...one pie of scrumptious homestyle goodness. MMM MMM. Those Mennonite women sure do know a thing or two about baking!
After we ate our way through the country fair, we headed to the movies to see the Kings and Queens of Late defeat the Telmarines in "Prince Caspian." It was definitely as good, if not better, than the first movie! Just as Lucy, Peter, Edmond and Susan live in two worlds (Narnia and England), I also feel like I live in two worlds. Good thing too...one world would be boring!! Philadelphia may not be Narnia, but it is magical in it's own way. City. Country. And with both of these comes DIVERSITY. I consider myself very fortunate indeed. I am receiving an awesome education. Making new friends. Eating some amazing food. Experiencing a lot of new things. MMM MMM. Did I say how AWESOME that Strawberry Pie was?
A belated mother's day wish, a new frying pan, and my friday night date
A few additional fun facts about my mom--Ice cream is her favorite food. She quit smoking almost 4 years ago! She has always loved being a stay at home mom-and she's great at it! She goes tanning. She loves giving and receiving gifts. And last but not least, my mom knows me so well sometimes that it's scary. I love you mom! I'm so proud and thankful that YOU are my mom.
Here are two other favorite memories/moments from my time at home.
Favorite #1. For mother's day, my sister and I gave Nanny (my mom's mom) a nice, new, frying pan. A nice and deep pan.It's a really good pan for "browning" and cooking stir-fries or risotto. Nanny LOVED the pan. She ABSOLUTELY loved it. It was so fun to see her get so excited about a frying pan. Whatever makes you happy, right? I just thought it was great. Seriously, it was like she got a new car as a gift. I loved it! Props to Nicole (my sister) for finding the pan! It was the perfect gift . Isn't it awesome when you give someone that perfect gift and they just love it!?!? Especially when you know and love the person you're giving the gift to!
Favorite #2. On Friday night, dad, Nicole and I went to the movies to see "Iron Man" (pretty cool movie...funny at parts...cool graphics/animations too). Dad loves to take "his girls" out to the movies. But probably the best part of the night was before the movie. We had an hour or so to spare. Nicole was at the mall and was going to meet at the movie theatre. So, dad and I decided to go on a mini-date at Starbucks. I had a hot chocolate. He had a coffee (that kept him up until all hours of the night!) And we just talked and had a great mini-date. Whether we are going to Home Depot or the movies or playing bball on the driveway, dad and I always have fun together. I love my dad! I hope I never get too old to go on mini-dates with my dad.
Pangea Day - May 10, 2008
The Pangea Day Mission & Purpose
Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film.
Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film.
Visit the website: http://www.pangeaday.org/index.php or check out the first 25 minutes of the program on You Tube!
While reading and watching some the films for Pangea Day, I came upon a project called 6 Billion Others. Recently, I have been reminded that the world is SO much bigger than my small bubble of a life I life in . The world is bigger than just me and my life and the people that I interact with. It's amazing how easy it is to become caught up in our little "bubbles." Yet, it happens. We tend to care most about the things we know and love and the things that directly impact us. But as much as we might try (or not try but it just happens) to live in our bubbles, we are ultimately impacted by such tragedies as Cyclone Nargis. An estimated 22,000 dead. How do you even begin to wrap your mind around that? I truly don't know.
The healing power of touch...
An older woman sits by herself in the lobby of a nursing home. She sits there, staring into space, in her pretty pink sweater. I spark a conversation with her. I soon realize that she is hard of hearing, and she probably only hears every 3rd word I am saying. I put my hand on her wheel chair and she takes it and then holds it between hers. "You are so beautiful" she tells me. Thank you. (It must be because I'm Italian...) She continues to hold my hand. She puts my hand to her cheek. She pinches my cheek. No one has done that to me in 20 years by the way. She doesn't let go of my hand but I don't mind. How long has it been since someone has given her a hug? Held her hand and just listened to her talk about her life? Although I've never met this woman before, we are able to see eye to eye for these few moments. Just as our hands are connected, so are our hearts.
A younger woman this time. She rests on the couch. Her children are asleep (hopefully) in the other room. She looks at her arm and tries to make a fist. Her hand is stiff and swollen, the early signs of lymphedema. When it's really bad, she can't even see her knuckles because it is so swollen. What a year it's been, and now this? she thinks to herself. She shows me how to massage her arm like the Massage Therapist does. Push it up toward the fingers. Drain it down toward the lymph nodes. After 10 minutes of massage, the swelling has gone down some. Unfortunately, the swelling will come back. Fortunately, there are ways that we can control and manage it. It's amazing how we can push and drain and massage what is deep within the body. all stuff we can't see (nor understand).
I stand in the parking lot. It's past midnight, and it's been a long day. I am trying to remain strong, but my courage is quickly failing me. My friend gets out of the car."I'm so sorry Nat. I'm SO sorry." She gives me a hug. We stand there for a while, she holding me tight, and I'm holding onto her even tighter. Tears rise up in my eyes and my body starts to shakes. I can't believe I just did that. What if something had happened to me? No one would have known. I don't want to let go of my friend. I can't let go. not yet. We don't speak. We don't have to. We are connected. We both need each other. And as we stand there, I pray a few words to Jesus. I need HIM. Right now. Every hour I need Him.
There is healing power to touch. I have to believe this because of each of the above situations. Have you hugged your loved ones today? When is the last time you "snuggled" with someone? Given a massage? Held someone's hand? Just as a baby longs to be held by its mommy, to be rocked, to be soothed, we need to be held...and hugged...and kissed...and loved!