
A belated mother's day wish, a new frying pan, and my friday night date

Last week I was home visiting with my family. A mini summer vacation. Now, I missed writing a post for mother's day, so I missed sharing about how much I love my mom because she is so confident with who she is and because I just love her! ONE of her (many) great qualities is that she is so comfortable and confident in who she is as a woman, as a mom and as a wife. I admire this greatly.

A few additional fun facts about my mom--Ice cream is her favorite food. She quit smoking almost 4 years ago! She has always loved being a stay at home mom-and she's great at it! She goes tanning. She loves giving and receiving gifts. And last but not least, my mom knows me so well sometimes that it's scary. I love you mom! I'm so proud and thankful that YOU are my mom.

Here are two other favorite memories/moments from my time at home.

Favorite #1. For mother's day, my sister and I gave Nanny (my mom's mom) a nice, new, frying pan. A nice and deep pan.It's a really good pan for "browning" and cooking stir-fries or risotto. Nanny LOVED the pan. She ABSOLUTELY loved it. It was so fun to see her get so excited about a frying pan. Whatever makes you happy, right? I just thought it was great. Seriously, it was like she got a new car as a gift. I loved it! Props to Nicole (my sister) for finding the pan! It was the perfect gift . Isn't it awesome when you give someone that perfect gift and they just love it!?!? Especially when you know and love the person you're giving the gift to!

Favorite #2. On Friday night, dad, Nicole and I went to the movies to see "Iron Man" (pretty cool movie...funny at parts...cool graphics/animations too). Dad loves to take "his girls" out to the movies. But probably the best part of the night was before the movie. We had an hour or so to spare. Nicole was at the mall and was going to meet at the movie theatre. So, dad and I decided to go on a mini-date at Starbucks. I had a hot chocolate. He had a coffee (that kept him up until all hours of the night!) And we just talked and had a great mini-date. Whether we are going to Home Depot or the movies or playing bball on the driveway, dad and I always have fun together. I love my dad! I hope I never get too old to go on mini-dates with my dad.

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