Well, where to begin? This past Thursday was one of the best and not worst, but let's say "most tragic", days of the summer thus far. No worries though. It was a funny tragic. This is what happened:
My friend invited me to come along and help her feed and groom four horses that she takes care of. Growing up I had read all the Black Stallion books, and I even had a good size collection of Breyer's Horses, so naturally, I was super excited and willing to be a barn helper. I didn't know very much about taking care of horses, but Jess proved to be a great teacher...probably because she LOVES horses so much. Throughout the night, I could not help but admire her tenderness and kindness toward our beautiful four-legged relatives.
When we arrived at the place where the horses live, (actually it was right down the road from where I live... in the middle of Philadelphia's suburbs!!) I was introduced to Jess's fotur best looking friends: Reds, Titan, Mac and Peter. I was immediately taken aback by their beauty and just the strength that they embody. One by one, we called for the horses by name, and Jess and I led them into their stalls to be fed and groomed. Jess showed me how to prepare their grain, and we talked about how particular she is with the food she gives her horses, but then she (and I am guilty of it too) eat junk food and foods that have no nutritional value. Side note: I think that Americans could all learn a thing a two from the simple but nutritious diet of horses. Sorry, I'm getting side tracked. Stay with me...the best part of the story is yet to come....
As I said before, I couldn't help but notice Jess's tenderness and genuine love for her horses. If one of the horses was rude and acted inpatiently as they waited for their grain, Jess would reprimand (but in a caring way!) him. Good behavior was rewarded with carrots and her words and actions were so genuine and always positive. Maybe I'm thinking into this too much, but don't you think that the world would be a better place if we all tried to speak more kind and uplifting words to each other? Personally, I know that I could use to work on this area in my life.
After the horses finished their yummy grain, Jess and I groomed each horse before turning them back out for the rest of the night. Reds and Titan were both looking a little like they had been rolling around in the mud, so Jess decided that it was bath time!! I guess all animals feel the same way about baths (dogs, horses and young children at least!); it's not their favorite thing. Nonetheless, baths were ordered. Reds was first. While Jess sprayed and washed him down, I was once again able to admire his beauty and strength. What a beautiful example of God's own beauty and strength. His Creation and His Power. Jess and I had a great time asking about each other's past and present lives. I was truly having a wonderful time.
Reds was turned out to the field. Next up: Titan! This time, Jess let me take hold of the lead rope as she hosed down Titan. "Don't hold the rope too tightly. It's good if we let him graze a little. But if he grazes too far, just pull lightly on the rope and you should be fine," instructed Jess. Ok. Seemed easy enough. So, we continued to chat and hose Titan down and all was quiet and wonderful on the western front (ok, eastern front). Titan seemed to be on his best behavior, and for that I was thankful. He didn't try to bite or kick me, which I have to be honest, I was a little afraid of. But then, the mood of the night changed. I can't exactly remember how it all went down, but Jess was still hosing and I was still holding onto the rope. Titan must have gotten a little spooked about something because he came in my direction forcing me to back up and give him some space. Well, apparently I didn't give him enough space because before I knew it, he was standing on foot!!! I don't think I realized it at first -that there was a horse on foot, but soon enough, I felt it!
Me: Uhh, Jess, the horse is on my foot. It's kinda hurts.
Titan puts a little more weight through his hoove...the hoove that was on my foot.
Jess: Oh my gosh! Titan! Get off!!
And he did...but unfortunately the damage was already done. Thank goodness I had sneakers on rather than my normal summer footwear- the sandal. But okay, it hurt! It hurt A LOT. Jess felt terrible, but she couldn't have seen it coming....definitely NOT her fault. I tried to tough it out, but I really just needed to get home and put ice on it. When I took my sneaker off, my foot looked a little red and a blood vessel had burst on the side of pinky toe. I was actually expecting worse. I didn't think it was broken b/c I could move all my toes and walk on it...ok, it was more of a hobble. Three days have passed since, and my foot is now a wonderful blue/green color, but I am walking so much better and the swelling really isn't too bad at all I am quite thankful that the damage was so minimal. Plus, now it makes for a great story! How many people can tell their friends that a horse stepped on their foot!?! Tell someone a horse stepped on your foot, and you're automatically the hot topic at any party-believe you me!

All in all, I had a great time with the horses, and I hope that I get the opportunity to do it again. I might want to borrow someone's steel-toed boots next time though!!! Oh, what an adventure!
Thanks Jess for everything!
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