I think it was Henry Gray (author of Gray's Anatomy) who used to give each day a name in his journal. Or maybe it was Jon Krakauer (author of "Into the Wild"). Either way, I dub today "Canal Day."
This week is essentially supposed to be "orientation week" for Leslie (my roommate/partner in crime/fellow PT student) and I. However, it is quickly turning into "let's see as much as we can including all the touristy sights and other beautiful London sight before work starts to dictate the better part of our trip." Now, don't get me wrong, I am seriously looking forward to working at my clinic- I know it will be an amazing opportunity! BUT...I AM in London. And it is summertime. And there is SOOOO much to see and do her. And Arcadia is actually picking up the tab for most of this week (including a Tube Pass, an awesome boat ride today, and seeing "Wicked" tomorrow night). I think you can understand this...
So, why Canal Day? Because one minute I was walking around downtown London and the next minute I was taking a garden path in and around a corner and TADA! There it was: the "Regent's Canal." And along the canals there were these really old boats that my dad would have loved to have seen. My favorite boat name that I passed was "Pea Green Boat."
Today is Canal Day because these are the kind of sights that I absolutely love stumbling upon. They are in places you would never expect. Places you don't find just by looking at your map. And so, as we walked down the canals, (or rather I ran because our tour guide was on a mission to show us half of London in one day!), I thought to myself, WOW, I am so spoiled to be here, in London, seeing what I'm seeing, experiencing what I'm experiencing. I don't deserve this...but I sure am enjoying it!
I'm so glad you are chronicling your days (and naming them!) for us. Wish I were there to experience it all with you.
hooray! sounds so awesome :)
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