Although London-Family Week was technically last week, I was WAY to busy enjoying my family to post anything before now. Hence, I dub this week, "London-Family Week in Review." Where do I even start? From the beginning...
Mom, dad,Nicole and John arrived on a friday morning. I was "working" when they arrived at Heathrow (ok, really I was watching the clock most of the day). Because I wasn't able to greet them, thanks to dad's supreme path-finding skills, and good ol' "Dot 2 Dot" bus shuttle (side note: dad loved the name DOT 2 DOT...if our boat didn't have a name, I bet Dot2Dot would be in the running) they made it to the Best Western no problem. My bus ride home from work was one of the longest yet, but well worth it when I arrived at the hotel and was welcomed by my FAMILY! It took me a while to accept this: yes, MY FAMILY was visiting ME in LONDON. cRaZy. Anyway, everyone was hungry so off to the pub we went. (side note #2: I think I ate at more great pubs last week than I had the entire 6 weeks prior...it was GREAT!)
Now, before I continue, there is one thing you need to know about my family. We love to eat! It's probably the Italian in us ;) So, just keep this in mind: IT'S ALLLLL ABOUT THE FOOD with this family.
At the pub, I ordered a pitcher of PIMM's (an extremely popular summer drink across of London-made with lemonade, pieces of fruit, mint leaves and Pimm's liquor...mmm mmm.) And then we ordered dinner. I had the Italian chicken (chicken, mozzarella cheese, bacon and marinara sauce). Dad had the battered fish and chips. Mom- fish and chips. Nicole- fish and chips. John- fish (with the skin on) and chips! I'm not sure if it showed, but I was totally smiling inside! Just like myself, when my family thinks of English food, they think of fish and chips. And I would have been right there with them, but I had fish and chips for lunch that day. In the end, everyone gave the Pimm's and the fish and chips two thumbs up! What fun! Like I said, it's all about the food.

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