
One Thousand Gifts

In High School or maybe it was college, I can't remember, I started keeping my "best thing of the day" journal. And ever since, I have kept the journal on and off. Some months, I will be really good and excited to write in it. Other months, I lose interest altogether. It'd be interesting to look back and see if I can find out why I did or did not write it in during different periods of my life. Whatever the case is, I'd like to start sharing the good gifts in my life with you. Not just the big and obvious gifts, but also the everyday gifts of living, breathing, learning and growing. I know that it will be a lesson in gratitude. In living in the moment. A lesson in seeing the real and present person of God and His presense in every aspect of every day.

A "One Thousand Gift" Challenge was initiated in 2006. A fellow blogger and foremost friend, accepted the challenge in April of this year. And I too, now accept the challenge. A challenge of gratitude. Everyday, I am blessed with ATLEAST 1,000 gifts from God. Unfortunately, I admit that my eyes are closed to most of gifts. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in my "situation" and dwell on my "problems." So, I accept the challenge. The challenge of counting of my blessings. Literally. One thousand, this year, is my goal. I hope that through this challenge my eyes will increasingly be opened to the every day, every moment gifts from my God.

Shall we begin then? Won't you consider accepting the One Thousand Gift challenge too?

1. I am thankful for Sunday mornings. Gathering with my sisters and brothers to worship together. Catching up with friends and asking about each others weeks.

2. For the man washing his little red Corvette on a beautiful autumn afternoon. Watching him take such care not to miss a spot. Thinking of my dad and how he loves making his Corvette shine!

3. The guy mowing his lawn. And mowing the side-walk at the same time. For the smell of freshly cut green grass.

4. Two younger girls chatting by the bus-stop. Their giggles bring a smile to my face.

5. For friends. For long overdue phone calls.

6. Walks into town. Stopping by the produce store with only seven singles in my wallet. I'll take one aspargus, a brocolli, and crunchy red grapes. Total = $6.50.

7. Thankful for my first pay-check from my new job. I'll deposit that tomorrow.

8. 4:00-5:00p.m. is favorite hour of the day. The sun shining straight into my apartment windows. Most of the day's work is just about done. Getting ready to prepare dinner. Maybe I'll try a new recipe.

9. For change. The leaves haven't started to change yet. But I know that it will happen any day now. And I'll wonder, when did the leaves start changing? They were green last time I looked!

10. For delicious fruit smoothies. Peaches. Pineapples. Strawberries. Yogurt and OJ. Blending them all together to create a refreshing treat.

11. Listening to Pandora radio and realizing that "it is well with my soul." For I am blessed with more than one thousands gifts. every day. every moment.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh, Nat. I am in tears. What beautiful expressions of gratitude. So glad you joined the gratitude community. :) I miss you bunches... let's talk soon!