
Tough Questions...

Today I was talking with a new friend, a Sister in Christ, and while we talked about "heavy" things, it was good to talk to her. She asked me some tough questions, a few of which I'd like to pass onto you...some food for thought if you will.

1- What makes you tick? What "things", if they were taken away, you would be totally lost and broken without? what are thing "things" that make you feel most alive? Like a young horse who just broke out the gates at the Kentucky Derby, what things really bring to you life?

2- If I talked to your close friends, who would they say you were? what would they say about you?

3- What patterns or themes do you see in your life? big picture. Imagine you're at a five-star hotel. You get off the elevator on the 5th floor and you can choose any room on that floor to stay in. You first peer into each room, moving up and down the hallway. After seeing each room, you pick your room. Now imagine that each room symbolizes one theme and/or event in your life. Past or Present. Which room is most scare you? which room brings the most joy? which room would you like to spend more time exploring and pondering over?

4- When do you feel most connected to God? when do you feel most separated from Him?

Take a deep breath..I know that's a lot to swallow at once. Which [one] question most resonated with you? Which [one] question was easiest for you to answer? hardest?

Join me and take some time to really think, journal, and/or reflect upon the question(s) and your answers to them. Your answers don't need to poetic. They don't have to perfect "speech-worthy" answers. Just be real. Be honest with yourself. With tough questions like these, honesty is truly the best policy.


Kuya said...

Now I DO like your "stuff" Actyaly we are vey siomilar in are thoughts so I wonder if I am as deep as you which I think I am and I too think through these questions well that is scary.
I AM a sister is Christ. I have plenty of thoughts.
As for one question, Who would my closest friends say I am. How would they describe me. Today, over coming and reconnected, thats my bias of course. You see it is never truly accurate to answer for our closet friends/family member. This is what we hope they would say. The bigger challenge is to flat out ask them and pray that they give an honest answer verses what they think we want to hear, and then put that answer on your blog. Then we will connect at a deeper level despite our fears,
Blessi ngs and thanks for your insight,honesty and courage

Kuya said...

too many typos