
I'm a guest blogger...

This is my post for tonight (or visit Angie's blog at www.springofjoy.org).

What is prayer? Why do we pray? Often we think that prayer is when we ask God for things that we need. And I know how superficial that sounds. But sometimes we ask God to watch over our families, to keep us and those around us safe and healthy, or we even ask if God if He will reveal himself to us. But I think prayer can be so much more.

Prayer can be asking God for things...I think this is okay as long as do not have our own expectations about how God will answer our prayers. But prayer can also just be a time of sitting and reflecting in the presence of God. Really desiring to feel His presence. Prayer can also be a time when we are talking to God and then we start listening to ourselves. I often find myself praying, "God, I am tired. and I am lonely. I know you are good, but I still feel alone..where are you?" If we listen to ourselves as we pray, we might just realize that we've got it all wrong! Prayer is not about ME. Rather it is all about GOD! It is all about our AWESOME and WONDERFUL FATHER.

And so, maybe the best kinds of prayers are when we acknowledge say just that: "God, you are amazing, You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. (Psalm 77:14) How awesome! Yes there is power in prayer. Sometimes praying is about talking to God. Yet sometimes, the best times, are when we pray and remember that our GOD IS GOOD.

This is my prayer for tonight: Dear Father, You are more awesome than I can ever know. It is because of your great love that I can ever love others in return. Tonight, I pray Father that I would trust in Your love for your people, especially your daughter Angie. I love you Father. You are so good and so strong. Be our strength tonight and always.


Angie said...

I love you, Nat. You are a gifted wordsmith. :)

Monica Kaye said...


I love this post. I have had this little wooden sign on the ledge of my kitchen window for years and years that says, "Prayer changes things." My husband and I would often talk about that little sign and what we thought it really meant. Finally last year after a period of incredible pain and trials with so many prayers offered and the answers coming in different ways I realized what it means--the change is in us!!! The real purpose of prayer is to make us more like Christ and always open to the will of our loving Father. I bookmarked your blog and look forward to visiting again. Have a blessed week.