

At the gym today, the NFL draft was on the TV. Although I was wearing my headphones , (therefore I couldn't hear anything they were saying) I decided to watch anyways. Sorry, quick side note. Have you ever seen a silent film or better yet, turned down the volume on one of the daytime soap operas? That's the only way I enjoywatching soap operas-with no sound. I like to make up my own words. Here's an example:

Girl: What? You killed my sister's best friend's mother's husband? Why did you do that? Guy: I had no choice. We were talking at the neighborhood coffee shop and all of a sudden he grabbed his sugar spoon and he tried to stab me with it! Girl: No way! He did not! Ok, well I guess we need to think up some alibi? Guy: Good Idea!!

Gotta love it. Anyways, back to the NFL Draft. So the camera jumped to a young guy (Joe was his name) sitting in his living room. He was waiting for THE CALL. His mom, friends and family were there too. Everyone was sitting on the edges of their seats. I'm guessing the phone rang because Joe picked up the phone. It was THE CALL. It was the Baltimore Ravens. He was drafted! He was now a member of the Baltimore Ravens football team! Joe couldn't stop smiling, and his mom looked SO proud. She wouldn't let go of his arm! That's my boy, I imagine her saying over and over. A hand from behind the camera pulled out a Ravens cap and put it on Joe's head. Now it was official! The announcers then moved onto the next pick and that's all we saw of Joe. Believe it or not however, I was so moved by the whole process that a few tears started to form in my eyes. How great it must feel to be drafted by the NFL! All your hard work in high school and college football had paid off. All those three-a-days. All those hits and aches and pains had paid off.

Why was I feeling so emotional? I don't even know Joe. All I know is that he went to Delaware University and he can throw the football 75 m- saw that with my very own eyes (no wonder why the Ravens drafted him!). Then I started to get all philosophical about it: in a way, we have all been "drafted" at one point or another in our lives. If you don't like the word "drafted" maybe "accepted" or "called upon to fulfill a role/job." We all have a calling in life. Wife. Husband. Son. Daughter. Friend. Parent. Teacher. Student. Quarterback. Actor. Doctor. Nurse. Physical Therapist... you get my point.

For example, yesterday I was "drafted" into the profession of physical therapy. My school had a pinning ceremony; the ceremony was meant to "officially" welcome us into the PT profession. It was short and sweet but also refreshing and inspirational. At the end of the ceremony all the students recited a PT oath. It went something like this:

I pledge to hold faithful to my responsibility as a physical therapist... To always place the welfare of my patients above my own self interest... To exercise all aspects of my calling with dignity and honor... I commit myself to the highest ideal or service, learning and the pursuit of knowledge. These things I swear.

Maybe you're still waiting for THE CALL. Maybe you don't know where or by whom you will be drafted. But one thing I do believe. We have all been drafted by a great and awesome God. He calls upon us to be his sons and daughters. To be sisters and brothers in Christ. We are called upon to love unconditionally. To live joyfully. And to live a life that foremost glorifies God. Now that's a DRAFT! If that's not a reason to celebrate, I don't know what it!

1 comment:

angie said...

Amen, sistah! Rejoicing with your drafting... hugging you in less than a week. Love you so much.