
Pangea Day - May 10, 2008

History was made today. I just came upon this by chance. From what I saw...it was quite the event!

The Pangea Day Mission & Purpose

Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film.

Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film.

Visit the website: http://www.pangeaday.org/index.php or check out the first 25 minutes of the program on You Tube!

While reading and watching some the films for Pangea Day, I came upon a project called 6 Billion Others. Recently, I have been reminded that the world is SO much bigger than my small bubble of a life I life in . The world is bigger than just me and my life and the people that I interact with. It's amazing how easy it is to become caught up in our little "bubbles." Yet, it happens. We tend to care most about the things we know and love and the things that directly impact us. But as much as we might try (or not try but it just happens) to live in our bubbles, we are ultimately impacted by such tragedies as Cyclone Nargis. An estimated 22,000 dead. How do you even begin to wrap your mind around that? I truly don't know.

6 Billion Others is a universal project created by Yann Arthus Bertrand. "Every single person has got something interesting to say. And every single person has a right to say it, even if they don't know it" Bertrand writes. His website features face-to-face interviews, testimonials and and portraits of people from around the world. God. Love. Happiness. Anger. Transmit. Bertrand asked the people he meets to describe what these words meanto them. What do they mean to you? Check out 6billionothers.org and listen to the testimonials. How beautiful different people are is so many different ways!!

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