A friendly game of dominoes
Over the weekend I was sitting in a coffee-house trying to work on a project for class. Across the room sat three men , a father and his two grown sons maybe? They were enjoying a friendly game of dominoes on a Sunday afternoon. The men spoke in Spanish so I'm not sure what exactly they were saying (nor did I understand their game having never played dominoes), but I could read their body language pretty easily: they were just enjoying life. Enjoying being in each others company. They were thankful that they had the day off of work. In fact, work was the last thing on their minds. One of the sons would make a joke. The other two would laugh. This is why God gave us the Sabbath: I thought to myself. It's a time when we can catch up with friends and family, laugh, go to church...and play dominoes. Sigh. I didn't have much motivation to finish my project after that.
Last night my co-workers and I were outside for our break. As we were making small talk about the gorgeous and warm weather, the wind blew. It wasn't a big gust of wind. Just a soft breeze. And it just felt "right." Once again, I was at peace. Peace with myself and at peace with the night sky. Work was a blur after that, but that feeling of peace and wholeness stayed with throughout the night. Sometimes, I wish I felt this deeply all the time. Would I have a different perspective on life? Would I be more sympathetic toward others? What about love? gratitude? Would I love others with a more gracious heart ? Last post I wrote that I was thankful for love- for being loved and for loving others. Tonight, I will go to bed with a heavy heart. A heart that is full of awe, wonder, love and hope. Hope that tomorrow will bring new blessings. Do you ever feel like you are feeling things more strongly than usual? As we were praying in Bible Study night, I realized, once again: tonight is one of those nights.
25. I am thankful for good conversations. For the chance to speak my heart and listen to the hearts of others - for conversations both in person and over the phone. For laughter. For tears. For love.
26.It's probably the PT in me, but I am amazed by a guy's physical strength. His strength to carry a heavy box without wincing. Like it were as light as a feather.
27. I am thankful for a voice to sing and ears to hear the sounds of the Christmas season!
28. I am proud to be a JMU Alumni. The Dukes are heading to the FCS Football Semifinals this weekend.
29. Once again I'm thankful for men. For their ability to problem solve , understand spatial things, and even diagnose my car problems! So grateful for that last one!
30. I am blessed by the hospitality of others. That they would open up their homes and welcome me with warm hearts.
I'm a guest blogger...
What is prayer? Why do we pray? Often we think that prayer is when we ask God for things that we need. And I know how superficial that sounds. But sometimes we ask God to watch over our families, to keep us and those around us safe and healthy, or we even ask if God if He will reveal himself to us. But I think prayer can be so much more.
Prayer can be asking God for things...I think this is okay as long as do not have our own expectations about how God will answer our prayers. But prayer can also just be a time of sitting and reflecting in the presence of God. Really desiring to feel His presence. Prayer can also be a time when we are talking to God and then we start listening to ourselves. I often find myself praying, "God, I am tired. and I am lonely. I know you are good, but I still feel alone..where are you?" If we listen to ourselves as we pray, we might just realize that we've got it all wrong! Prayer is not about ME. Rather it is all about GOD! It is all about our AWESOME and WONDERFUL FATHER.
And so, maybe the best kinds of prayers are when we acknowledge say just that: "God, you are amazing, You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. (Psalm 77:14) How awesome! Yes there is power in prayer. Sometimes praying is about talking to God. Yet sometimes, the best times, are when we pray and remember that our GOD IS GOOD.
This is my prayer for tonight: Dear Father, You are more awesome than I can ever know. It is because of your great love that I can ever love others in return. Tonight, I pray Father that I would trust in Your love for your people, especially your daughter Angie. I love you Father. You are so good and so strong. Be our strength tonight and always.
What about your priorities, Natalie? What do you really want to accomplish in life?
Now, by priorities I was more so thinking "goals in life." So, what are my goals in and life and will I make them a priority? may be a better way to put. And so I thought about it. Here I am, in PT school, learning a whole lot about a whole lot. I am surrounded by some truly brilliant people, individuals with their Ph Ds, who are doing some truly amazing research and who are contributing so much to the physical therapy field. And yes, I am so fortunate for this opportunity to learn about the newest research, to learn about the stuff that is really working and helping individuals live better and more independent lives. And this is AWESOME. Right now, we are learning about traumatic spinal cord injuries such as the that Christopher Reeves had. And it's really tough stuff to comprehend. Nevertheless, it is encouraging to think that one day, everything that Christopher Reeves' advocated for and all the research he helped get started-that it was all worth it! I use spinal cord injury as an example. But it could just as well be that back pain that you can't seem to get rid of? Or the rehabilitation of a patient who had stroke? Regardless, today, in the library, after five long hours, I was struck by just how much the future of medicine holds?!?! And so I ask myself, do I want to be a part of this future? Why do I want to be a physical therapist?
I was talking with a friend at the local coffee house last night. He was telling me that he was jealous of how much impact someone like me, a physical therapist, actually has on the lives of others. You actually get to help people, he said! And of course, I responded, well you get to help people too! You're an architect. You help build things (well actually he is an engineer, he later informed me...oops). So, he's an engineer and right now he is designing a DESTROYER. Yep, that's right. A destroyer. Like the one in Battleship. COOL!!! Apparantly, he's been on this project for 4 months and over the past 4 months, 4 people have quit because of they are unsatisfied with their job. The same thing, all day, every day. (but still, I'm thinking--a DESTROYER!) Anyway, my friend went on to say that he wishes he knew what he wanted to do with his life. He's thinking he wants a career change.
So, here I am again. Pondering why I have become a PT, when quite honestly, sometimes I'm not the most social person. And yet, in my profession, I will always be working right alongside my patients. And while I could show you the essay I wrote upon applying to grad school, I'm not so sure that it'd "fit me" anymore. I've learned a lot over this past year and half. And I can tell you, PT is SO much more than I thought it was. It is so much more than massaging and stretching tight muscles, so much more than instructing people on how to use weight machines or how to use their cane properly. No folks. there's more. And maybe because my understanding of PT (and of the human body) has been turned upside down, maybe that's why I am questioning my priorites. My ambition. My reason for pursuing physical therapy. It's because there is so much more that I can DO within this field. I could begin my own research study. Work in a pro-bono clinic so that persons who can't afford healthcare don't have to live with physical pain and deformities. What are my goals as a physical therapist? Well, I'm not sure really. I'll have to get back to you on that one. But maybenow is the time to really consider where I want to go from here. I know that there are opportunites all around me. Maybe I just need to find where I best fit into the story. The story called LIFE. Yes, as a PT, I actually do get to help people. I am thankful for that. And I am thankful that one day I will get to work right alongside of my patients. And I will get to hear their stories. And I will get to help them accomplish the goals that they have for themselves.
Thank You
Mom came bearing gifts in a big purple bag, looking stylish, slim and hip. Since my sister moved into her own apartment a few weeks ago, mom has been busy playing home decorator for both Nicole and I. And I reminded that a mom's job is NEVER over...not even when both of her daughters are off on there own. We/I still need mom more than ever. And I am thankful because she is ALWAYS here for me. And even more, her love and whole heart is in everything that she does. I am so thankful.
And dad, looking handsome as ever (in a shirt that mom bought for him), carried in his tool kit and wanted to get right to work...I needed his help hanging pictures, arranging furniture and balancing my check book. And it was definitely DAD TO THE RESCUE....I am so so thankful for his patience and constant love. I am a daddy's girl after all.
And my older and much wiser sister brought the cake: Reeses Peanut Butter Pie. Do I need to say anymore??? I love Reeses and I love my sister. She is the reason why I can see the positive in a bad situation. She is the reason why I am who I am...because growing up, all I had to do was look to her and follow her lead knowing that she would lead along the right and best path. And even though we're very different people today, we still share that sisterly bond that is so special.
Sharing the day with these three persons plus all the calls and messages (and songs) wishing me a happy birthday were the best birthday presents I could have asked for. I am so thankful for the love of my family and friends. I hope and pray that they know just how much I love them in return.
Thanks again for making my day so special!
Gifts from the weekend.
24. Kids. They're even cute when they drop a jar of tomato sauce on the floor. Yep, still cute.
25. Spirits lifted. Realizing that just being amongst others is therapeutic in taking the focus off myself and putting it in a bigger context.
26. Saturdays= cooking. Rice balls, bread, pancakes, hummus...homemade makes for one messy kitchen!
27. Music. Melodies and Harmonies.
28. Approaching birthdays. My favorite part is talking to friends far and near on the phone.
29. Sunshine after days of rain. Warmth. Sunglasses.
30. Prayers. More powerful than anything else. ANYTHING.
Dear reader
If you received an email with the post, "love story" I want to apologize. I accidently pressed the "publish post" button without intention to. I wasn't really finished writing the post, and actually I'm a little embarrassed for writing as personally as I did. Nonetheless, I guess you got a quick unsensored look into the going ons of my brain. Again, I apologize and thanks for reading!
Virginia is for lovers.

It was refreshing to sit with Kate on her awesome new screened-in-porch and to hear Charlie play his Marimba (that big wooden instrument thing!). I am so thankful for Kate's patience and willingness to listen with all her heart. I do miss her and the fun we used to have together!
And I am thankful for my church family in Harrisonburg. I am thankful for opportunities like these to worship and sing and exchange hugs with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thankful that when I am with these brothes and sisters, I feel God's presence ever the more.
Yes, I am thankful for a sweet sweet weekend away. I wish could have stopped the clocks rather than turned them back. But I guess instead, I will look back into the past and remember the good times spent in Harrisonburg and as a student at JMU. Time must go on. I'm just thankful for these chances to revisit the past while living in the present.
11 More gifts, Only 978 left to go!
12. Moonlit walks after dinner. Listening to sounds of the crickets. Looking up to see the stars shining down on me.
13. Realizing that THIS moon is the same moon no matter where you are. Whether you're in New Jersey or California, Japan or Italy, South Africa or South America. All nights are brightened by the same moon.
14. Walking past the high school when "classes" are over for the day. Then, being surprised to see lights on in a few classrooms. Night Classes... I have the greatest respect for those people who work all day and then go to school at night. I don't know how they do it!
15. Dinner Date with a college friend. Cooking for two is so much better than cooking just for one.
16. Singing songs and making harmonies...sort of.
17. Co-workers. Truly working as a team to accomplish our goals.
18. A new ceiling in my apartment. I almost have my cute little kitchen back again.
19. Things I'm looking forward to (they keep me going on those longgg days) : Nicole's new apartment, seeing my parents this weekend (you know I had to say that mom and dad!), visiting college/church friends in VA, spending the summer in London (I know, I know, I'm not getting too far ahead of myself now)
20. Dinner Date #2. Making homemade pizza. Note to self: put pizza crust on pan before loading pizza up with toppings and sauce.
21. Making new friends at work. Talking as we work. Working as we talk.
22. Reality checks. Catching "dumpster divers" after hours at work. Realizing that dumpster diving is a way of life. Feeling extra grateful that I have what I have. Saddened that others resort to 'search and rescue' techniques, even if it means breaking the law.
Dare You to Move...
I am reflecting upon this subject because once again, I am speechless and I am in denial. A beloved professor who taught my classes last spring died last week from cancer. She was 38 years old, married, and with two young children. I keep thinking to myself, it cannot be true! It just can't. She had had so much energy and drive. She was a wealth of knowledge. She was so young. But, it is true. After a three month battle with cancer, she has passed. A mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a physical therapist, and many other relationships she had formed. How can it be true? I think of her family and friends. Their new pain, a pain they never asked for. Will her children ever know what an amazing person their mom was? Their lives have changed forever. Willl they, one day, be able to move again? Will those who have experienced loss ever truly laugh again?
I don't know the answers to my questions. Thanks be to God, I have never lost a close family member or friend. All I know is that tonight I will say a special prayer for my professor and her family. And I will continue to say that prayer. This world is constantly changing. Time will not stop for us. The question is, how long can we stop, and reflect, and remain stagnant before the world become unrecognizable? Before our lives are no longer our own because we fail to move on and accept the change that is upon us.
Tonight, I dare you to move. I dare you lift yourself up off the floor and grab hold of your life. It may hurt. It may hurt a lot. But it might feel really good at the same time?. It's truly sad to say it, but the world will go on without you. Change is inevitable.
Will you dare to move?
One Thousand Gifts

Shall we begin then? Won't you consider accepting the One Thousand Gift challenge too?
1. I am thankful for Sunday mornings. Gathering with my sisters and brothers to worship together. Catching up with friends and asking about each others weeks.
2. For the man washing his little red Corvette on a beautiful autumn afternoon. Watching him take such care not to miss a spot. Thinking of my dad and how he loves making his Corvette shine!
3. The guy mowing his lawn. And mowing the side-walk at the same time. For the smell of freshly cut green grass.
4. Two younger girls chatting by the bus-stop. Their giggles bring a smile to my face.
5. For friends. For long overdue phone calls.
6. Walks into town. Stopping by the produce store with only seven singles in my wallet. I'll take one aspargus, a brocolli, and crunchy red grapes. Total = $6.50.
7. Thankful for my first pay-check from my new job. I'll deposit that tomorrow.
8. 4:00-5:00p.m. is favorite hour of the day. The sun shining straight into my apartment windows. Most of the day's work is just about done. Getting ready to prepare dinner. Maybe I'll try a new recipe.
9. For change. The leaves haven't started to change yet. But I know that it will happen any day now. And I'll wonder, when did the leaves start changing? They were green last time I looked!
10. For delicious fruit smoothies. Peaches. Pineapples. Strawberries. Yogurt and OJ. Blending them all together to create a refreshing treat.
11. Listening to Pandora radio and realizing that "it is well with my soul." For I am blessed with more than one thousands gifts. every day. every moment.
The story of the kitchenette...

By Monday, the small hole was tired of being so small. "I've been a small hole for too long," it told the ceiling. And so while Natalie was working, the hole grew and grew... it grew until the ceiling could no longer support itself.

When the Kitchenette (and Natalie) realized what had happened, it became very puzzled. "What do I do now?" the Kitchenette asked itself.

The Kitchenette was very sad. "Not too long ago, I was a cute, little Kitchenette! NOW look at me! I'm bare, dirty, stinky and there's a draft. What am I going to do?"
I love blueberries!! I can't get enough of them!
How can this be, you might ask? How can you really not like a food one month, and then the next month, love it? Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know...but it can happen. Say for instance, you don't like fish. Or maybe black beans. But you wished

Anyways, back to Blueberries. Mmm mmm, I'm eating them as I type.
To the right is a very small wild blueberry "plant" that I found this summer. Look close. Those little black dots are actually blueberries. One day, dad and I went on a search for wild blueberries and that is when I took this picture. We found many small plants like these, and while I picked the blueberries, Dad wasn't content with just the blueberries themselves. He "picked the whole plant," uprooting it, and later replanting it in our front yard (outside of our beach house)! As you probably guessed, the plant died soon after.
That was the fruit of our first Wild Blueberry Picking adventure in August. It was kind of a disappointing trip actually.
A few weeks later though, a friend and I went back to try our luck again. And this time we hit the jackpot! I was in my glory. I even remembering telling my friend, "I am so happy right now." It's all about the little things in life, right? Instead of just finding a few small blueberry plants, this time we found a whole BLUEBERRY BUSHEL!! We both picked and ate our fill. And thus began my affinity for blueberries.

Take an "awe break"
"Many of us are juggling so many things that we are run by our lives rather than living them as gifts from God. What if we could learn to stop for a moment many times a day? What if in those moments we could decide to notice the sheer miracle of being alive? We would then be taking awe breaks instead of coffee breaks."
A couple of weeks ago I began a clinical rotation at a nearby hospital. It's your standard 5 days/wk, 9 to 5 gig. Add in travel time, dinner preparation, a little bit of studying and a little bit of down time and you have the recipe commonly known as, "your typical work day."
Before starting my day, I try to take time to reflect on life and say a prayer of thanksgiving for each new day. Then I jump in car for work, and soon enough,the day has slipped away from me. What if I could "learn to stop for a moment MANY times a day" (not just once or twice) , wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, and I take that a few seconds to thank God for his many blessings.
Love. Health. Family. Friends. Education. Laughter. Food. Clean Water. Shelter. . . etc.
I don't think I'll be giving up my coffee breaks, but tomorrow I am going to try getting ENERGIZED through taking an "awe break." Won't you take a MOMENTary awe break with me?
I was MIA, but now I'm BIA (back in action)
Stay Tuned: next post I'll report on the "highlights" of my summer. But right now, a word on life back in Philly.
First, I should say that it is GOOD to be back. I have especially missed my church here in Philly and the community and support that goes along with it. It was good to sit in the church pew (well, chair) on Sunday, to sing on the top of my lungs along with guitar, drums and keyboard, and to see friendly faces from my"career and grad group." I, of course, fit into the second group. Personally, I think that the second group is a lot less scary than the first group (but in 1.5 years, I hope to become a member of the first!!!)
Second, I have moved into a new apartment and well, if I could show you pictures (somehow, I've lost the cord for my camera), I think you'd be pretty impressed by the "decor" (thanks mom!) I particularly feel grown up because I have a tablecloth (and place mats) on my table AND (big AND) I bought my first ever iron and ironing Board. Now, I'm still an amateur with my Sunbeam, usually ironing IN more wrinkles than I iron OUT, but hey, it's a step in the right direction.
Thirdly, over the summer, I found TRUE LOVE...
Rice Pudding :)
mmmm, MMMM, good! I have found a recipe and this thursday, I plan to attempt making my very own rice pudding (minus the raisins). I'll let you know how it goes!!
Leave the Last cookie?
Anyway, click here --> this i believe.
Next time you find yourself drooling over the last cookie on the cookie plate, I hope you stop and think about "leaving the last cookie."
Strength and Honor
That is truly the essence of Bill's life. I am confident that he will live out this next chapter of his life with both strength and honor. He will thus bring honor to his nation. to his family. and to the Army. And without getting too sappy, I'd like to thank Bill for the ways he has touched my life and the ways he has challenged me to listen to my heart and to never allow what matters most to get pushed aside. I will miss his kindness and wisdom. The way that he encourages others, rallies those around him, supports and respects his fellow man, and the way he puts his heart and soul into everything he does. I am blessed by all of these things. Though my heart is troubled by the uncertainty that the future holds for Bill, it is also full of love and respect for Bill. And therefore I can only send my greatest blessings with him as he leads his fellow man and protects his Nation the only way he knows how.... with strength and honor.
Love you Bill. Strength and honor.
My dad
So, I call up my dad the day after my "run-in with the horse."
Me: Hey, dad. How you doing?
Dad: Neigh Nat!
That's my dad's humor for you! Secretly, I love my dad's humor, but over the years, my family and I have learned that if we encourage my dad he'll just keep going. Regardless, as he tells us, it's a dad's job to be corny!!
I've compiled two lists: one list is of my dad's favorite sayings (they speak for themselves), the second is a few of my favorite memories with my dad. I'm sure there's some things I've missed, but for now, this will have to do. Some day when I'm a parent, I'm sure I'll teach my children these same things. I love you dad so much. Here's a little trip down memory lane...
Dad's Favorite Sayings
1. Don't forget the underwear! Wherever I go, i will never forget my underwear. thanks
2. You can have your cake and eat it to! If you say it's possible, it's possible.
3. Have a good seat? . Nothing to say about this...
4. Where's your coat Natalie? You're not wearing a coat? Nope!
5. Life isn't always fair. This is the truth!!
Favorite Memories with Dad
1. Orlando/St. Augustine- 2007. Dad had a business trip in Orlando and I was looking at St. Augustine's Grad program. So he invited me (and paid for me) to fly down to Orlando...in the middle of classes nonetheless. I laid by the pool while he was in his meetings and then at night- time and after the conference was over, Dad and I went to the Alligator Zoo, ate some great Moroccan food in Epcot and drank from the Fountain of Youth. No wonder I still look like I'm 16 years old!!
2. Sandbridge, VA- Summer 2006. Dad and I snuck away from the people we were staying with and went looking for the "wild horses" on the nature preserve. It was a HOT HOT day and we weren't expecting to be gone for long, but before we knew it, we were climbing through the sand dunes pretending like we didn't see the sign that read "STAY OFF DUNES." He found the horses on accident. Mission accomplished. But like always, the journey was more fun than reaching the destination!
3. Flying kites on the beach with Dad. And almost crashing the kite into the innocent beach bums who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then crashing plane into Dad instead. Sorry dad.
4. Boating on the 4C's with Captain Chuck (aka Dad)- Summers 2006/7/8. Like the saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough go boating!" Thanks for being patient with your Skipper (me) and introducing me to the wonderful world of boating!
I love you dad. Thanks for your constant love and support. We always seem to have fun wherever we go. Let the good times roll!
A little run-in with a horse

Well, where to begin? This past Thursday was one of the best and not worst, but let's say "most tragic", days of the summer thus far. No worries though. It was a funny tragic. This is what happened:
My friend invited me to come along and help her feed and groom four horses that she takes care of. Growing up I had read all the Black Stallion books, and I even had a good size collection of Breyer's Horses, so naturally, I was super excited and willing to be a barn helper. I didn't know very much about taking care of horses, but Jess proved to be a great teacher...probably because she LOVES horses so much. Throughout the night, I could not help but admire her tenderness and kindness toward our beautiful four-legged relatives.
When we arrived at the place where the horses live, (actually it was right down the road from where I live... in the middle of Philadelphia's suburbs!!) I was introduced to Jess's fotur best looking friends: Reds, Titan, Mac and Peter. I was immediately taken aback by their beauty and just the strength that they embody. One by one, we called for the horses by name, and Jess and I led them into their stalls to be fed and groomed. Jess showed me how to prepare their grain, and we talked about how particular she is with the food she gives her horses, but then she (and I am guilty of it too) eat junk food and foods that have no nutritional value. Side note: I think that Americans could all learn a thing a two from the simple but nutritious diet of horses. Sorry, I'm getting side tracked. Stay with me...the best part of the story is yet to come....
As I said before, I couldn't help but notice Jess's tenderness and genuine love for her horses. If one of the horses was rude and acted inpatiently as they waited for their grain, Jess would reprimand (but in a caring way!) him. Good behavior was rewarded with carrots and her words and actions were so genuine and always positive. Maybe I'm thinking into this too much, but don't you think that the world would be a better place if we all tried to speak more kind and uplifting words to each other? Personally, I know that I could use to work on this area in my life.
After the horses finished their yummy grain, Jess and I groomed each horse before turning them back out for the rest of the night. Reds and Titan were both looking a little like they had been rolling around in the mud, so Jess decided that it was bath time!! I guess all animals feel the same way about baths (dogs, horses and young children at least!); it's not their favorite thing. Nonetheless, baths were ordered. Reds was first. While Jess sprayed and washed him down, I was once again able to admire his beauty and strength. What a beautiful example of God's own beauty and strength. His Creation and His Power. Jess and I had a great time asking about each other's past and present lives. I was truly having a wonderful time.
Reds was turned out to the field. Next up: Titan! This time, Jess let me take hold of the lead rope as she hosed down Titan. "Don't hold the rope too tightly. It's good if we let him graze a little. But if he grazes too far, just pull lightly on the rope and you should be fine," instructed Jess. Ok. Seemed easy enough. So, we continued to chat and hose Titan down and all was quiet and wonderful on the western front (ok, eastern front). Titan seemed to be on his best behavior, and for that I was thankful. He didn't try to bite or kick me, which I have to be honest, I was a little afraid of. But then, the mood of the night changed. I can't exactly remember how it all went down, but Jess was still hosing and I was still holding onto the rope. Titan must have gotten a little spooked about something because he came in my direction forcing me to back up and give him some space. Well, apparently I didn't give him enough space because before I knew it, he was standing on foot!!! I don't think I realized it at first -that there was a horse on foot, but soon enough, I felt it!
Me: Uhh, Jess, the horse is on my foot. It's kinda hurts.
Titan puts a little more weight through his hoove...the hoove that was on my foot.
Jess: Oh my gosh! Titan! Get off!!
And he did...but unfortunately the damage was already done. Thank goodness I had sneakers on rather than my normal summer footwear- the sandal. But okay, it hurt! It hurt A LOT. Jess felt terrible, but she couldn't have seen it coming....definitely NOT her fault. I tried to tough it out, but I really just needed to get home and put ice on it. When I took my sneaker off, my foot looked a little red and a blood vessel had burst on the side of pinky toe. I was actually expecting worse. I didn't think it was broken b/c I could move all my toes and walk on it...ok, it was more of a hobble. Three days have passed since, and my foot is now a wonderful blue/green color, but I am walking so much better and the swelling really isn't too bad at all I am quite thankful that the damage was so minimal. Plus, now it makes for a great story! How many people can tell their friends that a horse stepped on their foot!?! Tell someone a horse stepped on your foot, and you're automatically the hot topic at any party-believe you me!

All in all, I had a great time with the horses, and I hope that I get the opportunity to do it again. I might want to borrow someone's steel-toed boots next time though!!! Oh, what an adventure!
Thanks Jess for everything!
People watching on the beach...
1. Props to the lady who was wearing a souvenir sombrero on the beach. Straw hats, baseball caps, sun visors. They are all commonly worn by beach

2. To the two little girls in their polka dots and frills who were playing by the ocean shore and who couldn't have been more happy (or cute!)
3. To the man in the kayak who was having a rough time getting out to sea. It wasn't his fault though. The waves were breaking right on him every time. But he stuck it out like a true fighter. Then he bore down and showed those waves who were boss! Props to those individuals who dare to swim/kayak against the current!
4. To the most popular man on the beach...Mr. Ice Cream Man. Oh, the sweet sound of your cow bells signaling your arrival to all beach goers (adults included)! What a "sweet" sound. But, what's this? Do i hear the bells a-ringing at 10:30 a.m.? Is the ice cream man onto something here? Cereal and ice cream?? Mmm...sounds kinda delicious.
5. Last but not least...To the small black and white bird (see below for a picture from his photo shoot) who absolutely would NOT share the oyster that washed ashore with any of his black and white feathery friends. He was willing to fight for his food! Can we say, "survival of the fittest?" But uh oh. Here comes Mr. "I'm
The 3 C's
Yes, life is good. It is currently 6:08 p.m. on Thursday. After a short and sweet day in the lab, I returned home with almost NOTHING to do!?! Could this be possible? Of course, I could have studied a bit...but let's not ruin the moment. So, I came home. Watched "The Air I Breathe" (pretty interesting movie). I made an early dinner. Took a Shower. And all this before 6:00!! Amazing!
So, now it's 6:09 p.m. And I am listening to Shane and Shane on the radio (great music), enjoying a delicious cup of coffee and indulging in an extra chocolaty piece of chocolate cake! Yes, life doesn't get any better than this. Coffee is my biggest, most favorite, comfort food! Chocolate is a close second.
People like to say "all good things eventually come to an end." In response to this I reply, "we all need to learn what it means to live in the moment." I am living in the moment!! Me and my 3C's.
Tough Questions...
1- What makes you tick? What "things", if they were taken away, you would be totally lost and broken without? what are thing "things" that make you feel most alive? Like a young horse who just broke out the gates at the Kentucky Derby, what things really bring to you life?
2- If I talked to your close friends, who would they say you were? what would they say about you?
3- What patterns or themes do you see in your life? big picture. Imagine you're at a five-star hotel. You get off the elevator on the 5th floor and you can choose any room on that floor to stay in. You first peer into each room, moving up and down the hallway. After seeing each room, you pick your room. Now imagine that each room symbolizes one theme and/or event in your life. Past or Present. Which room is most scare you? which room brings the most joy? which room would you like to spend more time exploring and pondering over?
4- When do you feel most connected to God? when do you feel most separated from Him?
Take a deep breath..I know that's a lot to swallow at once. Which [one] question most resonated with you? Which [one] question was easiest for you to answer? hardest?
Join me and take some time to really think, journal, and/or reflect upon the question(s) and your answers to them. Your answers don't need to poetic. They don't have to perfect "speech-worthy" answers. Just be real. Be honest with yourself. With tough questions like these, honesty is truly the best policy.
New Friends
When I look at my childhood friendships and the new friendships I've formed since, there's not just One definite moment or instant that started each friendship. That's not how it usually works, I don't think. More realistically, making new friends is a process. And a process that sometimes you control but sometimes you don't. I haven't figure out a magic formula nor do I intend to write a how-to manual which I could entitle "How to make new friends," but rather I do believe that making new friends is a process and a journey. and a journey that is WORTHWHILE! You usually don't become friends with someone overnight. Intentionality. Open-mindedness. Sincerity. Trustworthiness. Love. Compassion. Love. To me, this is a formula (notice, I didn't say "the" formula) to a true friendship. I LONG to be in relationship with people who en vibe these characteristics. I NEED to know that the people that I surround myself with are sincere and open and committed. This may all sound pretty selfish but I don't mean it to sound like such. It's just that I consider "making friends" to be a very serious "process." I take it so seriously for two reasons. First, because I can't do it by myself. I would not be ME, if I was only "me." I would not Natalie, if there were no Nicole, Danielle, Emilie, Emily, etc.
Second, I take it so seriously because I know that in any relationship, there is a certain amount of risk involved. It's a two-way street. Maybe the other person isn't willing to meet you half-way. This inevitability happens. Nonetheless, if I am going to take that risk and open myself up, I need to know that I can trust and confide in the other person. I know that it's unreasonable to think that every friendship that I enter into, that it will last forever and ever. This is just not so. But this doesn't mean that we should not form relationships. I believe that we were created to be relational beings. It was that way ever since the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve.
So...this is what I think. I realize my thoughts have been here, there and everywhere. Its just how my brain is working these days. Please excuse me. But, to sum it all up, this is as much a reminder to me as it is to you that we should all expect to be humbled. And to be humbled daily. We were created to be relational beings, and therefore, as long as the human race exists (sorry, I'm not trying to get all fatalistic on you), we, as a people, will interact and ultimately form relationships with those people whom we can most trust and most be ourselves around. So, we open ourselves up and enroll in New Friends 101. And without fail, we will learn new things about ourselves and about the people in our class. And it will be a process. There will be things that we like and things that we don't like that we learn about ourselves and others. But it will be worthwhile class ! IfI am not willing to be open and real with the others who are also in enrolled in the same class, I will not grow and I will have missed out on an AWESOME opportunity. I NEED to be open. I NEED to practice loving others and being intentional with my relationships. I HOPE that I will NEVER stop making new friends. I hope the same for you.
Down at the Country Fair!
I miss living in Virginia a lot. I miss riding my bike to the Farmer's Market. Hiking and/or Driving through the Shenandoah National Park and the country roads. I miss both the small town atmosphere as well as the "college town" environment. I miss the church I attended. Although I never became a member of the church, I still consider it and the friends I made their "my church family." Yes, VA was very good to me.
But now I'm living outside of Philadelphia. Once again, I feel like I'm living in two environments. I'm living in the suburbs (once again) of Philly. And simliar to living in the suburbs of NYC, I still have yet to take full advantage of the city and all it has to offer. (Note to self: work on this.) But while I living on the outskirts of the city, I also live on the outskirts of the country. Before last night, I didn't really KNOW what kind of land was North and west of me. So last night, a few of my classmates and I went down to the "Country Fair." It was a lot of fun. My first Country Fair.
Homemade Strawberry Pie. Barbecue Chicken with Coleslaw and a Buttered Roll. It was the kind of the thing where everyone knew everyone. There was a Silent Auction. And a Quilt Auction. Really Nice Quilts. It was just your good old fashion Country Fair. I think I liked it. Yes, I know I enjoyed it. I liked watching neighbors eat barbeque chicken together catching up with each other's lives. I watched teenage girls flirting with teenage boys. And I ate pie. The pie was AMAZING. There was an assembly line of 4 woman in the cafeteria making the pies fresh! Crust. Fresh Strawberries. Fresh Strawberry Jam/Sauce. Whip Cream and there you go...one pie of scrumptious homestyle goodness. MMM MMM. Those Mennonite women sure do know a thing or two about baking!
After we ate our way through the country fair, we headed to the movies to see the Kings and Queens of Late defeat the Telmarines in "Prince Caspian." It was definitely as good, if not better, than the first movie! Just as Lucy, Peter, Edmond and Susan live in two worlds (Narnia and England), I also feel like I live in two worlds. Good thing too...one world would be boring!! Philadelphia may not be Narnia, but it is magical in it's own way. City. Country. And with both of these comes DIVERSITY. I consider myself very fortunate indeed. I am receiving an awesome education. Making new friends. Eating some amazing food. Experiencing a lot of new things. MMM MMM. Did I say how AWESOME that Strawberry Pie was?
A belated mother's day wish, a new frying pan, and my friday night date
A few additional fun facts about my mom--Ice cream is her favorite food. She quit smoking almost 4 years ago! She has always loved being a stay at home mom-and she's great at it! She goes tanning. She loves giving and receiving gifts. And last but not least, my mom knows me so well sometimes that it's scary. I love you mom! I'm so proud and thankful that YOU are my mom.
Here are two other favorite memories/moments from my time at home.
Favorite #1. For mother's day, my sister and I gave Nanny (my mom's mom) a nice, new, frying pan. A nice and deep pan.It's a really good pan for "browning" and cooking stir-fries or risotto. Nanny LOVED the pan. She ABSOLUTELY loved it. It was so fun to see her get so excited about a frying pan. Whatever makes you happy, right? I just thought it was great. Seriously, it was like she got a new car as a gift. I loved it! Props to Nicole (my sister) for finding the pan! It was the perfect gift . Isn't it awesome when you give someone that perfect gift and they just love it!?!? Especially when you know and love the person you're giving the gift to!
Favorite #2. On Friday night, dad, Nicole and I went to the movies to see "Iron Man" (pretty cool movie...funny at parts...cool graphics/animations too). Dad loves to take "his girls" out to the movies. But probably the best part of the night was before the movie. We had an hour or so to spare. Nicole was at the mall and was going to meet at the movie theatre. So, dad and I decided to go on a mini-date at Starbucks. I had a hot chocolate. He had a coffee (that kept him up until all hours of the night!) And we just talked and had a great mini-date. Whether we are going to Home Depot or the movies or playing bball on the driveway, dad and I always have fun together. I love my dad! I hope I never get too old to go on mini-dates with my dad.
Pangea Day - May 10, 2008
The Pangea Day Mission & Purpose
Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film.
Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film.
Visit the website: http://www.pangeaday.org/index.php or check out the first 25 minutes of the program on You Tube!
While reading and watching some the films for Pangea Day, I came upon a project called 6 Billion Others. Recently, I have been reminded that the world is SO much bigger than my small bubble of a life I life in . The world is bigger than just me and my life and the people that I interact with. It's amazing how easy it is to become caught up in our little "bubbles." Yet, it happens. We tend to care most about the things we know and love and the things that directly impact us. But as much as we might try (or not try but it just happens) to live in our bubbles, we are ultimately impacted by such tragedies as Cyclone Nargis. An estimated 22,000 dead. How do you even begin to wrap your mind around that? I truly don't know.
The healing power of touch...
An older woman sits by herself in the lobby of a nursing home. She sits there, staring into space, in her pretty pink sweater. I spark a conversation with her. I soon realize that she is hard of hearing, and she probably only hears every 3rd word I am saying. I put my hand on her wheel chair and she takes it and then holds it between hers. "You are so beautiful" she tells me. Thank you. (It must be because I'm Italian...) She continues to hold my hand. She puts my hand to her cheek. She pinches my cheek. No one has done that to me in 20 years by the way. She doesn't let go of my hand but I don't mind. How long has it been since someone has given her a hug? Held her hand and just listened to her talk about her life? Although I've never met this woman before, we are able to see eye to eye for these few moments. Just as our hands are connected, so are our hearts.
A younger woman this time. She rests on the couch. Her children are asleep (hopefully) in the other room. She looks at her arm and tries to make a fist. Her hand is stiff and swollen, the early signs of lymphedema. When it's really bad, she can't even see her knuckles because it is so swollen. What a year it's been, and now this? she thinks to herself. She shows me how to massage her arm like the Massage Therapist does. Push it up toward the fingers. Drain it down toward the lymph nodes. After 10 minutes of massage, the swelling has gone down some. Unfortunately, the swelling will come back. Fortunately, there are ways that we can control and manage it. It's amazing how we can push and drain and massage what is deep within the body. all stuff we can't see (nor understand).
I stand in the parking lot. It's past midnight, and it's been a long day. I am trying to remain strong, but my courage is quickly failing me. My friend gets out of the car."I'm so sorry Nat. I'm SO sorry." She gives me a hug. We stand there for a while, she holding me tight, and I'm holding onto her even tighter. Tears rise up in my eyes and my body starts to shakes. I can't believe I just did that. What if something had happened to me? No one would have known. I don't want to let go of my friend. I can't let go. not yet. We don't speak. We don't have to. We are connected. We both need each other. And as we stand there, I pray a few words to Jesus. I need HIM. Right now. Every hour I need Him.
There is healing power to touch. I have to believe this because of each of the above situations. Have you hugged your loved ones today? When is the last time you "snuggled" with someone? Given a massage? Held someone's hand? Just as a baby longs to be held by its mommy, to be rocked, to be soothed, we need to be held...and hugged...and kissed...and loved!

At the gym today, the NFL draft was on the TV. Although I was wearing my headphones ,

Girl: What? You killed my sister's best friend's mother's husband? Why did you do that? Guy: I had no choice. We were talking at the neighborhood coffee shop and all of a sudden he grabbed his sugar spoon and he tried to stab me with it! Girl: No way! He did not! Ok, well I guess we need to think up some alibi? Guy: Good Idea!!
Gotta love it. Anyways, back to the NFL Draft. So the camera jumped to a young guy (Joe was his name) sitting in his living room. He was waiting for THE CALL. His mom, friends and family were there too. Everyone was sitting on the edges of their seats. I'm guessing the phone rang because Joe picked up the phone. It was THE CALL. It was the Baltimore Ravens. He was drafted! He was now a member of the Baltimore Ravens football team! Joe couldn't stop smiling, and his m

Why was I feeling so emotional? I don't even know Joe. All I know is that he went to Delaware University and he can throw the football 75 m- saw that with my very own eyes (no wonder why the Ravens drafted him!). Then I started to get all philosophical about it: in a way, we have all been "drafted" at one point or another in our lives. If you don't like the word "drafted" maybe "accepted" or "called upon to fulfill a role/job." We all have a calling in life. Wife. Husband. Son. Daughter. Friend. Parent. Teacher. Student. Quarterback. Actor. Doctor. Nurse. Physical Therapist... you get my point.
For example, yesterday I was "drafted" into the profession of physical therapy. My school had a pinning ceremony; the ceremony was meant to "officially" welcome us into the PT profession. It was short and sweet but also refreshing and inspirational. At the end of the ceremony all the students recited a PT oath. It went something like this:
I pledge to hold faithful to my responsibility as a physical therapist... To always place the welfare of my patients above my own self interest... To exercise all aspects of my calling with dignity and honor... I commit myself to the highest ideal or service, learning and the pursuit of knowledge. These things I swear.
Maybe you're still waiting for THE CALL. Maybe you don't know where or by who

Moments like these...
I had one of these "taken aback" moments today while I was sitting in my classroom learning about peripheral vascular disease. (Not a fun disease by the way!) And it was cool, you know? Like I said, today was just a normal day. But, for the rest of that class, I pondered life. Why am I here (in PT school)? Who are all these people around me (really)? Where will we be in 5 years? I didn't really answer my questions. Just pondered.
Maybe you could call these moments "reality checks" or a case of the "daydreams" or "wake-up calls." But I like to think that it was the presence of God . Kind of like the song by George Strait, "I Saw God Today." It's not that I'm not not aware of God's presence in my life. (That was a lot of "not's", sorry.) But, I think some times, His presence seems almost tangible. I cherish these moments. Maybe they are a sort of "wake/up call". I guess we all need those once in a while-probably more than once in a while. Have you experienced anything like this? I really hope you have. I cherish moments like these...
I'm ALMOST a Second Year PT Student!
So, here's to being one year closer to being a real and true and practicing physical therapist!! Thanks for sharing in this journey with me!
The 4C's Hit the Water...
Funny story. So, we were all out on the water and although I can't speak for my mom, dad and sister, I personally was trying to "tough it out". My arms were covered with goose bumps, but I SO wanted to get a tan. Plus, I didn't want to be the only wimp who was wearing her sweatshirt on this beautiful day. So, I toughed it out...until...Finally, good ol' dad asked me to get his sweatshirt. "While you're getting his, get mine too?" mom said. "Mine too!" said Nicole. Ah hah! I wasn't the only tough guy on board. And so, I too gave in and put on my hoodie. Ah! Much Better.
Ok, so maybe April is a bit early for boating. But other than a bit crisp, today's voyage was wonderfully relaxing and refreshing. And what's this? I think I have a watch tan!! Gotta love the warm weather!!!
The 4C's Hit the Water...
A continuation of last summer's "Captain's Log"
The saga will (probably) include:
(1) details on the 2008 maiden voyage of The 4C's
(2) brief recap of the history of The 4C's
(3) outlook on the 2008 boating season
(4) top 10 things Natalie loves about boating!
what is natalie's nitch?
So, what is my nitch?" I ask myself. I feel like I am missing a overall big theme for my blog. My only idea presently is to share about the different experiences I am undergoing as a student, specifically a physical therapy student. At times, I migh thave to be pretty vague, but I would love to share with you all the cool things and the uniqueexperiences I have undergone. Some possible topics: what are common misconceptions of the elderly population (did you do know that only 4% of the elderly population lives in nursing homes?) or what it feels like to spend a whole afternoon in a wheelchair because you can'tcontrol of your entire lower extremity. Yea, maybe I can start here. I am so blessed to be receiving a great education and training for my future as a physical therapist and as a more conscious and aware human being.
What excites this grad student…
Friday was another beautiful day. Although it was supposed to rain, the weather held out, and thank goodness it did. Why? Well, because today was SPRING FLING 2008!!! What? You don’t know what Spring Fling is? Actually, don’t worry. I didn’t either…. Let me explain.
My friend and I were studying at the library like we always do on Fridays before exams. I have so much fun studying with my friend. We come up with the craziest ways of remembering things or when we don’t understand what our Neuroscience professor is talking about (which inevitably occurs), we make up our own explanations .This is our favorite part of neuroscience: if we don’t understand something, we now realize that it’s perfectly okay to just make it up! As long as it’s sort of reasonable, you probably won’t be too far off on your hypothesis. Because, in truth, more is unknown than is actually known regarding the brain and the nervous system. Oh, how I love neuroscience (most of the time.)
So, like I was saying, we were studying in the library and were in major need of a coffee break. We walked out of the library onto the field in the middle of our school campus (it’s a really small campus) only to find that the field had been transformed into our very own Carnival! There were blow-up jumpy things. Sno-cones. Cotton Candy. Face-painting. And the best part? Everything was FREE. We were in our glories. This was SO much better than studying! Between the two of us, we consumed:
1 Funnel Cake
2 Boxes of Popcorn
2 Ice Cream Sandwiches
1 Cotton Candy
2 Tacos
1 Red Bull
½ cup of BAD coffee
Yes, these are the things that excite grad students. Free food. free food so we can justify study breaks. And coffee. lot's of coffee!! So, my advice to you: if you know any grad students (or college students), free food is the way to our hearts!!
Happy spring once again!
What is your story?
Anyway, without further adieu, I do actually have a post I'd like to share with you. It has been modified some, but you can read it in it's original format at What's your story? by guest blogger nat. While you're there check out the blog....it's pretty cool.
I once listened to a sermon by Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, MI. The sermon was entitled, “My Father is a Wandering Aramean.” The sermon was on Deuteronomy 26 and speaks about a time when the Israelites are freed from Egypt and have wandered through the desert and have finally reached the rich land that God promised them. In his sermon, Rob Bell commented that God knows man’s tendency to forget Him and to forget the way He had provided for them. For this reason, God told Moses and all his people, when you enter into the land of milk and honey declare, “My father was a wandering Aramean.” Essentially, he is reminding the Israelites that life wasn’t always easy. The road to the promised land was really really hard. There was a lot of pain and suffering in the Israelites’ story. Nevertheless, God did not abandon His people in the desert. He kept his promise and delivered them from hard times and troubles into a rich and prosperous land.
God makes the same promise to each one of us. God is a faithful God; He keeps his promises. One day there will be no pain or suffering. One day there will be no cancer, no addictions, no poverty. He is everything that we need. It would be so easy to just forget the pain and suffering in our stories. However, I don’t think we can ever be fully happy or fully ourselves if we separate ourselves from our pasts. Furthermore, it would be so easy to think that we made it through the desert by our own efforts. When life is good, when life is easy, we don’t think we need God as much. But, I believe that we will need God that much more. Like the saying goes, without suffering, we would know no joy.
So, I ask you, what is your story? Why do you believe what you believe? What deserts have you wandered through before reaching the place where you are now? More importantly, how did God keep His promise and remain faithful to you? Maybe you’re still wandering. Or maybe you haven’t had to go through any deserts. Whatever the case, I truly believe we each have a story. How is your father a wandering Aramean? What event(s) have shaped you into who you are today?
What is your story?